Hacker News new | past | comments | ask | show | jobs | submit | lapnitnelav's favorites login
1. Mimicking a device is becoming almost impossible (multilogin.com)
290 points by zdw on June 27, 2021 | 212 comments
2. Sonobus: Open-source app for low latency peer-to-peer audio (sonobus.net)
388 points by Eduard on Feb 15, 2021 | 88 comments
3. Free to download public domain art, posters and illustrations (artvee.com)
318 points by nvid on Dec 10, 2020 | 32 comments
4. Ask HN: What are your go to SaaS products for startups/MVPs?
169 points by lbj on June 15, 2020 | 81 comments
5. The Cost of Free Doughnuts: 70 Years of Regret (npr.org)
397 points by leoh on May 7, 2020 | 306 comments
6. Sonic Pi is a code-based music creation and performance tool (sonic-pi.net)
342 points by threeme3 on May 4, 2020 | 66 comments
7. How to sell a B2B product (calv.info)
643 points by polote on May 2, 2020 | 101 comments
8. Ask HN: Programs that saved you 100 hours?
629 points by zJayv on April 12, 2020 | 516 comments
9. Convert Markdown to a Mind Map (markmap.js.org)
506 points by gera2ld on April 10, 2020 | 78 comments
10. My name is Ivan and I want to make the best photo editor (photopea.com)
243 points by IvanK_net on Dec 14, 2017 | 80 comments
11. Ask HN: What are your favorite low-coding apps / tools as a developer?
1081 points by sureklix on April 5, 2020 | 280 comments
12. Show HN: VS Code extension that fades out the colors until you take a break (github.com/schneefux)
143 points by schneefux on April 4, 2020 | 34 comments
13. Show HN: ConvTools – generates Python code of conversions, aggregations, joins (github.com/itechart-almakov)
67 points by westandskif on March 29, 2020 | 25 comments
14. Show HN: RudderStack, open-source CDI (a.k.a. open-source Segment)
123 points by soumyadeb on March 20, 2020 | 39 comments
15. Google tracks individual users per Chrome installation ID (github.com/w3ctag)
2292 points by rvnx on Feb 4, 2020 | 615 comments
16. Hard negotiations: why a softer approach yields better outcomes (upenn.edu)
297 points by r_singh on Feb 1, 2020 | 144 comments
17. Products I Wish Existed (eladgil.com)
798 points by eladgil on Jan 6, 2020 | 419 comments
18. Tabula Scripta: A spreadsheet for small data-driven apps (junglecoder.com)
66 points by akkartik on Jan 4, 2020 | 20 comments
19. Ask HN: Solo devs, how do you plan your development?
338 points by going_to_800 on Dec 29, 2019 | 182 comments
20. Ffmpeg-Python: Python bindings for FFmpeg – with complex filtering support (github.com/kkroening)
220 points by brudgers on Dec 29, 2019 | 29 comments
21. My Business Card Runs Linux (thirtythreeforty.net)
2595 points by rcarmo on Dec 24, 2019 | 397 comments
22. Coping with Flexbox (kgrz.io)
155 points by technicolor on Dec 14, 2019 | 55 comments
23. Happy Hues – Curated colors in context (happyhues.co)
606 points by m1guelpf on Dec 13, 2019 | 110 comments
24. Huginn: Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf (github.com/huginn)
1303 points by daolf on Dec 12, 2019 | 143 comments
25. Abstreet: Traffic simulation game written in Rust (github.com/dabreegster)
396 points by adamnemecek on Dec 11, 2019 | 74 comments
26. Ask HN: What mistakes did you make when starting as a consultant/freelancer?
622 points by _qjt0 on Dec 7, 2019 | 268 comments
27. Show HN: A searchable list of self-hosted software with screenshots (selfhostedsource.tech)
656 points by techindex on Dec 5, 2019 | 112 comments
28. Discovering less-known Postgres v12 features (cybertec-postgresql.com)
243 points by samsk on Nov 28, 2019 | 30 comments
29. It’s Not Enough to Be Right – You Also Have to Be Kind (forge.medium.com)
595 points by victorbojica on Nov 9, 2019 | 304 comments
30. Why to use ‘python -m pip’ (snarky.ca)
135 points by pyprism on Nov 2, 2019 | 112 comments

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