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1. Show HN: HN Bot – Make Team Reading Funny (hnbot.co)
5 points by huan9huan on Oct 24, 2017 | 1 comment
2. Show HN: Hacker News Applets on IFTTT (ifttt.com)
45 points by jamisonross on June 1, 2017 | 8 comments
3. Porter Stemming Algorithm (tartarus.org)
1 point by jashmenn on May 16, 2011
4. TensorFlow – Consise Examples for Beginners (github.com/aymericdamien)
340 points by aymericdamien on May 31, 2016 | 30 comments
5. Bootstrapping a SaaS Startup from Scratch  (medium.com/cliffordoravec)
735 points by batina on Dec 19, 2016 | 104 comments
6. Show HN: Filter the web by Hacker News (hackernewsfilter.com)
146 points by huan9huan on Dec 5, 2016 | 23 comments
7. Show HN: Show HN (news.ycombinator.com)
1302 points by dang on July 3, 2014 | 166 comments
8. Drones: The Future’s Normality (news.ycombinator.com)
1 point by Bellookami on July 14, 2016 | 1 comment

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