1. | | Tradition is Smarter (2018) (scholars-stage.org) | |
124 points by 4gotunameagain on Sept 25, 2022 | 162 comments
2. | | How to design a house to last 1000 years (constructionphysics.substack.com) | |
594 points by ddubski on Jan 5, 2022 | 391 comments
3. | | Plans you're not supposed to talk about (dynomight.net) | |
846 points by dynm on Dec 14, 2021 | 635 comments
4. | | Scattered thoughts on why I waste my own time (mbuffett.com) | |
312 points by marcusbuffett on Nov 10, 2021 | 173 comments
5. | | How do plants extract nutrients from the ground? (permaculture.co.uk) | |
174 points by terse_malvolio on March 23, 2021 | 58 comments
6. | | Ask HN: Losing all interest in programming, what now? | |
221 points by the_only_law on Dec 10, 2020 | 166 comments
7. | | My wife recently passed away. I used my time off to build her a giant bookshelf (reddit.com) | |
536 points by frans on Oct 1, 2020 | 238 comments
8. | | Ask HN: What are the books you wish your colleagues had read? | |
225 points by xstartup on Feb 11, 2018 | 124 comments
9. | | Ask HN: What's your favorite HN post? | |
692 points by rkhraishi on Sept 14, 2016 | 137 comments
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