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Pointless cached version without the pretty pictures: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ypB2BA-...

That turned out handy since it is returning a 404 now: "There isn't a GitHub Page here"

Resolution growth didn't really stop. It's just that vertical resolution growth took a huge backseat to horizontal res growth for a decade or so. I guess since vertical growth didn't really occur, there was little need for UI scaling.

No, it stopped. I just tossed a 10 year old CRT with a 2560x2048 resolution. The key is that tech switched over to favoring LCDs which are finally catching up, and in some cases, passing CRT.

I don't agree that the stagnation in resolution evolution was an artifact of the CRT to LCD conversion. I put the blame on the convergence of the living room and desktop display markets and the disturbing marketing effectiveness of the "HD" moniker [1].

Resolution didn't simply stagnate; it regressed. In approximately 2000, Dell sold laptops with 1600x1200 LCD displays. Once "HD" appeared, display manufacturers lost interest in resolutions higher than 1920x1080. For several years to a decade, the most common top resolution was 1920x1080 and many mid and low-spec laptops were sold with shockingly poor 1024x768 and 1366x768 resolutions. (The 2560x1600 30-inch monitors appeared on the market as a prosumer option in ~2004 but these were tainted by their own blight--a fixed price of $1,100 that never wavered--and didn't see any compelling competition until the Korean and Chinese manufacturers disrupted the incumbents.)

[1] http://tiamat.tsotech.com/hd-sucks

I blame porn, and more generally, the desire for flashy colours in the consumer market. Circa 1990 we had 1600×1200 monochrome CRTs at work, and nothing I've used since has equaled them for text. Considering displays as effectively limited by signal bandwidth, colour forces a √3 drop in linear resolution.

>Circa 1990 we had 1600×1200 monochrome CRTs at work, and nothing I've used since has equaled them for text.

Really? I've used monochrome hi-res CRTs in the early nineties (made by SUN for its workstations nonetheless) and they were shite -- (not to mention the text rendering of the software at the time was shite too).

I actually think you're just seeing those things through rose-colored glasses. Try a modern 5K retina iMac or 4K dell monitor.

Sure, but if it had been a 15" 1024x768 monitor you wouldn't have kept it 10 years :)

If I remember correctly, you're always allowed to start the first insult. Pick an insult you don't know the answer to. Hopefully your opponent knows the correct response. If he does, you learn a new response to an insult. If he doesn't, you win that round. That means you will advance a bit, and the enemy retreats a bit. If you win enough rounds (insult - retort), you win the fight. Win enough fights and you get to play against the sword-master, who knows all the insults and reponses.

That's how I remember it too. But it doesn't seem to be learning any new ones... Let me try again.

If I remember right, it's a very time-consuming, grind-y process, pretty out-of-character with the rest of the game. Just gotta be persistent through it. The feeling of success from finally beating that puzzle is great, though, due to the time investment.

I too am wondering this. This tool would be great if it could directly use data from my own databases. But it seems data has to be imported first:


I think we need to improve the wording in the documentation. The IMPORT statement only creates a "virtual table", it doesn't actually import any data. As much of the query as possible is pushed down into MySQL/the external data source.

This focuses mostly on simulating unreliabable networking. Is there a tool, perhaps some LD_PRELOAD wrapper, that can simulate unreliable everything? I'm talking memory errors, disks going away, fake high I/O load, etc?

I once wrote a library for python that injected itself into the main modules (os, sys, etc) and generated random failures all over the place. It worked very well for writing reliable applications, but it only worked for pure python code. I don't own the code, so I can't open source it unfortunately.

The threshold is 500, as far as I know. Whenever I reach that, I delete my account and create a new one. I'm probably one of those people who downvotes others that I don't agree with, and I don't want that power. Especially since, imho, 50% of the comments that are downvoted here don't deserve it.

> One thing we try to discourage on HN is "me too" or "disagree" posts that don't have much more content. The presence of upvote and downvote buttons means that those comments don't get made, because votes serve that purpose instead.

If this were true, then why are downvoted comments faded? Because unpopular opinions don't need to be read by others? The downvote button is for noise that doesn't contribute to the discussion, but that doesn't break the rules. At least, that's what it's always been to me (regardless of what HN claims it's for).

It's not just weird. Every click on any item now takes approximately 1 second longer.

So many things.. but mostly working on these right now

* A tool that generates Markdown API docs from Python files

* A whitebox system scanner that reveals problems with your server configuration. Not your average blackbox security scanner.

* A lightweight service bus without all the enterprise and java around it. It's basically a bunch of connectors that receive or poll for incoming events (rss feeds, email, trello, XMLRPC/SOAP/REST requests), maps it, filters it and then sends it out again. I'll be using this on something like a Raspberry Pie to do some home automation and such. Main goals are that it should be super easy to add new rules, connectors, etc.

I got the exact opposite of that (or I'm misunderstanding you).. The title of the story on reddit is:

> "Please remove mitsuhiko/* (This guy is complaining about tip4commit, please help educate about Bitcoin)"

and the mod writes:

> "You are not allowed to incite brigading. Please resubmit using the original source - the github link. You are part of the problem of why people hate our community"

Seems like the mod is reprimanding the submitter of the story for the "please help educate about Bitcoin" part of the submission (which is inciting brigading).

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