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"Most scholars, on this basis, assume a date of birth between 6 and 4 BC"


In college the course on Maxwell's equations was taught by Dr. Lord. Every time I walked in to class I thought "Let there be light"

> nobody would bother re-testing all those n-1 commits after the fix was added

I do.

You should do this instead:

git push —-force-with-lease repo branch

This. --force-with-lease is what --force should have been in the first place. Hopefully they will eventually make it so, and rename --force to something less accessible.

I would occasionally manage to start a bash shell without executing my profile, which means HISTFILESIZE is not set and bash would truncate my history on the first command I ran. zsh history may have a similar problem.

I think that's it! I've been wondering why Bash sometimes deletes most of my history for ages. My .bashrc sets up an EXIT trap that git-commits my history, so I just looked at the commits that remove lines and found that 7 out of 8 of those commits change the size of the history file to about 1000 lines. Since my history file contains timestamps, that matches the 500-command default of HISTSIZE, so the truncation mechanism you described seems to be what's happening.

A few days ago I actually made my history file append-only to prevent truncation.

Setting HISTFILE to a non-default value in the same place as HISTSIZE/HISTFILESIZE seems like it would solve this problem nicely.

Yes, bad defaults strike again!

> if a card is in the Done column, you can assume the > code is in version control, deployed to production > and checked to make sure it didn't explode on impact.

I guess you've never seen a team argue over "Definition of Done" for months.

> I guess you've never seen a team argue over "Definition of Done" for months.

Unfortunately, I have had that conversation plenty of times. The point is to have that conversation/argument once, make a decision on what it means for the team, and then move on.

Yes, this is tricky, but ideally the definition of done is decided before the card gets into the 'in progress' column.

Can't speak for OP, but I've heard snails are a recurring theme in medieval manuscripts: https://justhistoryposts.com/2017/11/13/medieval-marginalia-...

Also killer rabbits

Five is right out.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

Not quite the same, but you may own CA taxes on stock options if you earned them while living in CA even if you don't live there when you cash them in.


I don’t have one myself, but every time I hear the engine restart at a stop sign I’m tempted


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