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I can't tell yet if I'll actually end up using this in practice, but it's pretty well implemented.

The memo is stored as another email in the "Memos" folder as a reply to the message being memoed, so the data will be backed up naturally by any email backup and does show up, in a sort-of-awkward way, in other non-Fastmail mail clients.

In the Fastmail client, the memo shows up, highlighted, in the message list before the normal message snippet, and at the top of the message when you edit the message.

Seems pretty well thought-out.

It's just an anecdote, but from my one-time experience the 90 days restriction isn't a hard restriction with TMobile. Service worked fine for 5 months for a family member abroad (in a single country) with no issues or messaging from TMobile about an overstay - although this was on a family plan with other phones in the US for the majority of that time.

I'll absolutely reference an issue number in a comment (with some context comments as well) in cases where it makes sense.

Sometimes you need to go back and read through a lot of context understanding why a block of code does what it does, and it's a lot more efficient for the rest of the time to have a quick reference to the full explanation rather than pages of comments giving that context.

Thanks for the hint about `--intent-to-add` / `-N`.

There's constantly new things to learn about git. I use `git add -p` extensively, but never thought to check for an option like that.

Re: T-Mobile - On United you can just set your laptop user agent to a mobile one and sign on with your phone number. Works fine for both the short period and full flight options.

Looks to be this rider - Eugène Christophe:


I enjoyed this show about feeding the tour riders:

Eat. Race. Win. https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Race-Win-Season-1/dp/B086HVQ5RB

Related, Unchained (https://www.netflix.com/title/81153133) has been an interesting view into the race although food isn't discussed at all.

Before Eat. Race. Win. I had this entirely uninformed idea the food the riders ate would be incredibly streamlined and controlled - I was thinking something like Soylent and protein powder and supplements. To see them chowing down on "normal" food and drinking alcohol (at all) was surprising for me.

The alcohol really surprises me given how meticulous they are about everything else - especially sleep monitoring. After a big win, it's not uncommon for the entire team to have sparkling wine or beer that night. Maybe not a big deal for one day races, but with stage races they usually have another hard race the next day. On the podium during stage races, victors will often drink sparkling wine/beer too. After winning a stage at last year's Vuelta a España (one of the major multi-day stage races) Sepp Kuss took a huge long chug on the podium - and then went on to when the entire race [1]!

Some riders used to drink during races too. Freddy Maertens was able to do it and still win [2].

[1] https://www.atwistedspoke.com/sepp-kuss-champagne-supernova/

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freddy_Maertens#Alcohol

Any risks in terms of performance have to be weighed up against the benefits to morale. A grand tour is long, a full year's calendar of racing is even longer, but a glass of champagne to celebrate a win goes a long way towards breaking up the monotony of suffering.

and then there's the Radler, a beer and lemonade mixture specifically created for cyclists. It's quite tasty and thirst quenching, although I'm not sure I'd use it as as peri-workout drink (post-workout? sure)!

Your "join" page is a little UX uncomfortable. Middle click doesn't work for the description or apply link (just loads the whole join page again), and the apply expands/embeds the greenhouse.io page (in a narrow column) instead of opening it in a new window.

Related - this might be helpful to someone.

ImageMagick can do a visual PDF compare:

    magick compare -density "$DENSITY" -background white "$1[0]" "$2[0]" "$TMP"
(density = 100, $1 and $2 are the filenames to compare, $TMP the output file)

You need to do some work to support multiple pages, so I use this script:


This also uses `imgcat` to show the difference directly in the terminal.

You can also use ImageMagick get a perceptual hash difference using something like:

    convert -metric phash "$1" null: "$2" -compose Difference -layers composite -format '%[fx:mean]\n' info:
I use the fact you can configure git to use custom diff tools and take advantage of this with the following in my .gitconfig:

    [diff "pdf"]
        command = ~/bin/git-diff-pdf
And in my .gitattributes I enable the above with:

    *.pdf binary diff=pdf
~/bin/git-diff-pdf does a diff of the output of `pdftotext -layout` (from poppler) and also runs pdf-compare-phash.

To use this custom diff with `git show`, you need to add an extra argument (`git show --ext-diff`), but it uses it automatically if running `git diff`.

Next level, especially with the git attribute calls, well played.

I'm still blown away how powerful imagemagick is after using it for a decade or two, what an inspiring piece of open source software.

imagemagick really is magical.-

I use some custom tools for PDF comparison (visual, textual, and perceptual hash) for my personal records/accounting purposes.

A number of the financial and medical institutions I deal with re-generate PDFs every time you request them, but the content is 99-100% identical. Sometimes just a date changes. So I use a perceptual hash and content comparison to automate detecting truly new documents vs. ones that are only slightly changed.

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