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I find this theory fascinating to consider: all physical objects/abstractions at each order of magnitude (atoms to laniakeas) in spacetime (shared reality) are holons governed by a natural and pragmatic system (platonic ideals) with some degree of freedom collapsing along quantum-information received by differential co-observations. Those objects with the most appearent freedoms and power to act, we traditionally call alive, yet it seems all objects at all orders of magnitude have some amount of autonomy, especially our own bodies. Light, electrons, and energy all exist within what appears to be the information and language layer between holons co-observing relational quantum-information (like spacetime) where time is the rate of subjective information observation, and the limited speed of information/light results in what we see in response time witnessed as observation-intention/reaction-action/physical change.

Question for any postmodernist: (I don’t know if there are any in the physics circles because it seems that postmodernism ideology which dominates the humanities has serverly diverged from physics in some fundamental theories, and I am trying to understand this gap in theory.) It seems postmodernism’s claims on subjective reality throwns out the theory of platonic ideals and renders it impossible to see the math and geometric uniformity of the universe; and cannot conceive of the law “information is indestructable” if all reality is subjective. Please help me understand what I fail to see.

To continue, if objective reality only exists within the spacetime dimensions and additionally a subjective reality exists as a set of dimentions within the information/language/feeling dimensions but collapses as observers understand each other via communication, this could find explain some of the gaps between social philosophy (humanities) and natural philosophy (science).

Note: I will likely come back to this post tomorrow to rewrite it.

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