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Using tor to keep your communications secret is like having ACAB tattooed on your forehead - fine if you like the attention, not exactly useful if you don't.

It is when everyone uses Tor.

Nobody uses Tor: Everyone is surveilled.

Few activists use Tor: Activists are easy to pick and everyone else is easy to surveill.

Everyone uses Tor: Nobody can be surveilled.

Nothing to gain by not using Tor, only one way to win, use Tor and tell everyone else to use Tor too.

It's like the prisoner's dilemma, and not using Tor is like betraying others just in case things ever get bad.

You can test this out yourself, if you're into an endurance sport and have a heart rate monitor nearby. Even low to moderate drinking the night before a run has a significant effect on my heart rate at rest (around 5%) and during exercise (up to 10% higher).

Where moderate drinking means a glas of wine, or two, not a bottle (or two).

literally, 'epstein' would have been enough

I know about Epstein (superficially at least), I wanted to know what was damning about the quoted paragraph. Those are different things.

she was born in alexandria, north africa, as daughter to the ruling pharaoh of the ptomelaic kingdom in egypt.

Yes, and the Ptolemaic Kingdom was a Greek kingdom founded by Ptolemy I Soter, a companion and historian of Alexander the Great. He started the kingdom after the death of Alexander.

While you may have multiple residencies, legally you have one domicile. This is the location where you live and verification of you actually living there is required by most contracts and is enforceable in a court.

Unless of course you don’t live anywhere because you move every 4 weeks.

Turns out our society is really not designed for someone without a physical residence. It’s made for a frustrating year for me.

> I'm still looking for a password manager that could use an NFC Yubikey to unlock it on a smartphone.

AFAIK that's what lastpass+yubikeyneo (nfc) did, and what this should also be able to do.

Messi is on the lower end then, as was Maradonna...

A low center of gravity is actually a good trait in 'soccer' as everyone knows that knows a thing about the game.


> Typley is more than just a proofreading tool. It's a complete writing environment.

I have both a yubikey and an auth app but can't seem to find a way to use them with paypal. Do you have some kind of special account or is that a feature bound to a certain market?

I don't think there's anything special about my account. It was a "personal" account when I created it, probably almost 15 years or so ago, then upgraded to a business account maybe 8-10 years ago.

I don't have my password handy right now so I can't login to check, but look for settings related to their "security key". I don't know if they still do or not but at one point they offered a hardware OTP generator (similar to the old RSA SecurID key fob) for a one-time $5 fee. Alternatively, you could use an existing one you already had just by entering its "ID number"; I used the IDs of my Symantec VIP Yubikey and also the app.

Sorry I can't be more specific or give you better guidance. I know that the option does exist, though; perhaps just explore the available options and maybe you'll stumble across it. Good luck!

> Just wiretapping isn't sufficient

Please explain, I was under the impression that the above could not reasonably be claimed anymore with any kind of certainty [1][2][3]. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something important here or the 'Happy Dance!!' slide [4] made me paranoid.

[1] http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/how-the-nsa-could-pu... [2] http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/08/cisco-firewall-explo... [3] http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/10/how-the-nsa-can-brea... [4] http://www.spiegel.de/media/media-35515.pdf

in the slides, check Slide 28. There's a bunch of useful software for wiretapping, but they need access to things like the Pre-Shared Key, or to be using an easily-exploitable connection mechanism like PPTP.

Of course router/firmware exploits cannot be prevented in the general case, so NSA-likes could figure out a way get in. But the null hypothesis is still that the NSA cannot crack strong encryption without some sort of pre-built backdoor IMO.

Based off of the leaks, NSA gets into things via two ways: - poisoning the encryption methods - social engineering/legal coercion to get keys

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