Agree 100% with this. I believe we should really utilize the internet more as a bridge for offline interactions. I've been trying to build something similar for sports called Reclub.
> In many sports this in non-existent. The only people not taking performance enhancing drugs are the ones not getting caught. When billions of dollars are involved it's more than just a gentle suggestion that these professionals take drugs or enhancement.
That is quite the accusation. Stereotyping at best. Because that incentive model exists in your head does not mean it reflects reality.
> because a bunch of grown people make ridiculous sums of money doing absolutely nothing for our future, well, count me out.
I think they can potentially do plenty for the future. For example, why does Nadal always put two bottles in the exact same position while playing a tennis match? Hey, maybe this will be useful for some research in psychology. Or maybe a survey of head injuries in football can lead to better health care. These sportsmen are usually at the edge of physical ability. Any attempt to push the envelope gives us the opportunity to learn more about ourselves.
I think you misunderstood rinon. He asked why are sports unhealthy, not why are professional sports unhealthy. Sports in general is healthy. You cannot discount the exercise.
Not only that, but sports can teach you a wide range of life skills. It is not simply a display of physical prowess. For example, tennis is not a competition on the basis of physical exertion alone, but of mental fortitude.
> I get it, it's comfortable to be in a vocal majority. I understand that in many conversations I'm not welcome if I don't have a favorite team.
Um, you don't have to have a favorite team. You can still enjoy and talk about the game. For example, I don't have a favorite football team, but I will listen and talk all day about the strategy of the game and if, for example, a QB can execute that particular strategy or choke.
Despite the potential developer productivity costs associated with custom frameworks, I've decided not to use some of the bigger frameworks for the following reasons:
- Performance is a feature. I like less magic, more clarity on how data flows through my system. $digest cycles, ng-repeat will keep me up at night. I sleep better when I know what code is doing exactly what.
- Hiring becomes easier, i.e. do not have to screen for certain framework experience. Know JS? Good, that's all you need!
Of course, writing your own custom application framework is no walk in the park, but like the article said, you'll have ultimate flexibility. In my experience, writing your own custom app framework, you have to ensure:
- Proper dependency management, use AMD or CommonJS. The alternative: Spaghetti jquery code.
- Enforcing class responsiblities, e.g. ViewModels are for data transformation and validation only. Views are for DOM management. HTML is for layout only. CSS for styles.
- Proper risk/reward evaluation of third party libraries. Usually, the leaner the library the better imo.
It is true that your own custom framework will need to be taught as well, but the difference between a custom framework and using a pre-existing mammoth one is that of clarity.
I will have a better idea of how data flows through my system so that if the new developer creates a bug, I have a better idea of where the problem may be and be able to isolate it better. Whereas, if you use a heavy pre-existing framework, you run the risk of not knowing. The subtle bugs can be pretty dangerous.
In the case of hiring, if I have a good JS developer, I can show him easily how data flows through the system because it is more clear (if architected properly). If I used a heavy framework, I may have to expect him to know the subtleties of these external frameworks, and may even have to act in the role of an "architect" to dissect it.
It's a balance to achieve between speed and productivity. My personal style is to err on clarity and not magic.
I have strong reservations against the word "hacking" in of itself. From an engineering perspective, "hacking" is a quick-n-dirty fix, like "hacking" it together with duct tape. It seems so subversive and manipulative, especially in the context of "hacking" these interviews.
I'd rather not say that I "hacked" together anything. What about diligently and properly planning, designing, researching, and implementing?
Where are the "How I planned for my YCombinator interviews" articles?
Okay, just curious, as I wasn't sure if it was an attack on the article or in agreement with that. (It's been my experience that quite a few people just read the title and make snide comments, it's one of the things I dislike most about HN.)
Indeed, I find that it's used so much and in so many different ways that I really wish it'd fall out of favor. It now carries so many connotations and subtleties that linguistically speaking, it always seems like the "wrong tool for the job."
Well, pg explained the word "hacker" on video[1], and on a longer essay[2]. Since this is his website, I believe many people here don't get these things confused (after all, this is Hacker News).
The gaming industry is increasingly making games more social. People are now getting more and more used to playing with strangers online. The whole idea of achievements and badges definitely enable this. Yes it's great to beat a game, but now you can beat a game and then boast about it publicly - feeding his/her's ego and that is immensely addicting.
Diablo 3's DRM is practically invisible, because you need to be online anyways, how else would you boast to your friends about that new legendary item that you just got.