As in how long people are staying on each page, which A/B options are converting better, where your users are coming from, what time of day you get the most traffic...
Others have made excellent comments here. I want to add this:
- Mention that unless it's for a certain price range, you're no longer in the market. However, you will keep them in touch when you're changing the policy again.
- If the pricing/arrangement doesn't work for both parties, say you're happy to refer them to someone else who could use those projects.
Also, stay in touch with them regularly, but you don't need to go overboard on this, as you want to focus on your company.
Have you tried testing your idea without coding or hiring people? Most ideas in start-up founders' heads usually aren't any good in terms of making money. It's not until the pivots when they found profitable models.
You've mentioned you've talked to over 20 people and they said they would buy your product. However, getting them to pull out their wallets when you actually have the product could be a different endeavor. Not sure if the problems you're solving are painful enough.
Stop thinking of your ideas. Just pick a niche industry, and see what problems THEY are having. Only start building the solution when you see a convergence of the same problems.