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It seems inevitable that eventually someone in a different dimension would find a way to start crossing dimensions, and start a recon program to report back on "good" dimensions.

I predict ChatGPT is the next Self driving Tesla tech.

Self-driving tech is heavily regulated and requires physical testing (sans Nvidia's new interesting approach of actually created a VR world to teach the AI), it's not remotely comparable. GPT is just another tool on the toolbelt, people that use it in a reliant way will get torched. It's no different than a regular search engine, it just compiles data instead of sitting in an index. Combined with a search engine, and knowledge, it's fine.

Impressive enough to fool the rubes is all the matters.

There is a big difference IMHO. Self Driving must get it right 101% of the time.

ChatGPT search getting better than Google even 50% of the time should be enough.

All the need is to add references to the answers that ChatGPT gives right now, and it will be game over for Google.

> ChatGPT search getting better than Google even 50% of the time should be enough.

That’s a bit tricky because wrong results in Google are easier to spot due to metadata and context. With ChatGPT you have neither. In worse cases you ended up with a confidently incorrect statistical mode who think’s it’s infallible

Are we expecting the same ChatGPT product that is in public beta to simply be deployed as the new Bing?

2 years away from the full launch!

Seriously - it’s the 85% correct solution that gets you killed in the other 15%

Well but it doesn’t kill you when it’s wrong so being 85% right is a lot more valuable

On the roughly 100 autopilot trips I’ve taken - you nailed it - I died 15 times.

It's not about 100 easy autopilot trips, it's about 1001 trip where you as human can easily see what to do but AI will interpret reality wrong because it was not trained to handle that edge case and you will die.

That's why everything except for TACC is in beta, the driver needs to agree to be ready to take control immediately before their use, and so on.

That sounds more like 99.9% not 85%. Guess it’s a good thing I don’t nap while it’s on.

I think this is called survivor bias?

That explains why I pass by so many smoking burned out teslas. My turn soon I guess!

Symptom of living in an informational society. The irony is that labelling things is restrictive, erodes freedom, and inhibits discovery.

Like requiring a “parody” tag to ruin a joke before it gets made.

Primarily Democratic backed company that doesn't like Republicans and don't want to provide them service? Boom excluded - "We reserve the right to refuse you service!". And honestly with as much data that has been collected they could legally do it on a data point that's not tied to your politics(ie misdemeanors, felonies, court cases, etc). It's absolutely going to be discriminatory, and they can hide it in the algorithms. And, not to pick on Democrats this is possible for any group, or individual to clearly point at any other group/individual. This is just the start, but it might be the actual end of individual expression without repercussions.

Why is "Democrat vs Republican" relevant here, except as flamebait?

Not OP, but likely because Democrats have been doing this to Republicans online for the last 20 years or so (and almost never the other way around), so it's likely that we'll see the same behavior escape into the real world now that it's possible.

Hardly, the culture wars have been hitting in both directions for decades. The extreme right has been less successful at growing huge online companies, but giant companies can’t afford to kick off 1/2 their customers.

It’s really smaller website that can kick people off without consequences.

I've seen a video showing something like this, of a shop clerk refusing service to a customer because he had a maga hat (or some other sort of trump paraphernalia, I don't recall exactly.)

As far as I know, that was legal. But the clerk did lose his job when his boss found out.

Wear a MAGA hat in a solid blue county and just go about a typical daily routine. The prejudice and discrimination is eye opening.

In fairness the MAGA hat is generally understood to stand for hateful positions (screw your feelings, screw immigrants, remove rights to minorities and women), which is a bit antagonistic. I assume a different republican piece of apparel (like a McCain 2016 shirt) would yield no reaction. I still don't think people should discriminate but I do think MAGA in particular is objectively tainted, it's essentially the slogan of an attempted coup after all (I know officially it was "KAG" at that time, but MAGA remained the main "brand")

> Wear a MAGA hat in a solid blue county

Pre January 6th, you'd get about the response someone wearing a BLM shirt in red country would. Heckling and adversarialism, but generally civil interactions. Post January 6th, yes, someone wearing a MAGA hat is showing specific stripes.

Performative political advocacy makes you look asinine. Especially when the novelty wears off.

If you’re still on the red hat train in 2023, my associating with you makes me look a bit dim myself. It’s kinda like naming your kid Adolf… you’re projecting something gross.

Probably not very different from wearing a swastika armband.

Anybody else get the distinct impression we should be figuring out how to incorporate the three laws NOW, before shit gets very real?

I'm more worried that humans will use these things to pollute the entire digital world with realistic garbage until the digital world can never be trusted to convey reality again.

Imagine talking to a friend for 30 min on chat and then realizing it's a bot trained on your friend's hacked phone.

Oh that's nothing new. My Dad was a landlord and called up a tenant about a reported problem.

They talked for 20 minutes before either one realized, wrong number. This renter also had that problem with their landlord and was pleasantly surprised to be contacted about it so promptly. But it was the wrong landlord.

I get it; in future folks will use this for fishing and whatnot. But humans do that already!

These things definitely happen already, but they haven't yet scaled the way OpenAI et al will help them scale.

If a single bad actor can mimic thousands or millions of humans, we'll never trust anything again.

We are already there. I see videos on Instagram and question whether they are real. Would not have happened 2 years ago .

Neither yours or the GPs concerns are mutually exclusive.

Can a black hole exist inside of a bigger black hole?


I think you meant Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. [1]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguis...

And of course its not like we have giant windmill farms all over the world that we could integrate CO2 collectors into the blades

Yet they exist, with a whole industry built around them

Ultimately they understood it was the people, not the product that made money

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