Location: London, UK
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: Go (Golang), Distributed Systems,
TypeScript/JavaScript/NodeJS, Python, Kubernetes, SQL, CI/CD,
Automation/DevOps, React
Résumé/CV: Email for PDF, or see linkedin below
Email: hello [at] arai.dev
Principal / Tech Lead consultant. Remote/Hybrid (prefer flexibility). Would consider permanent full-time too
Anyone remember the Nike one? Where you could shoot a football into the desktop and it would burn it, or the player could slide and it would tear the picture
My experience on Mac:
- colima: Testcontainers cannot connect to the containers when the tests are ran from the command line (I have env vars DOCKER_HOST=unix:///Users/dxxvi/.colima/docker.sock and TESTCONTAINERS_DOCKER_SOCKET_OVERRIDE=/var/run/docker.sock). However, the same tests ran fine in IntelliJ.
- Docker Desktop: doesn't have the above issue.
Maybe this was a typo in your comment, but you should double check to make sure that DOCKER_HOST is set to `unix:///Users/dxxvi/.colima/default/docker.sock` (missing `default` in your line)
I just verified running Testcontainers tests via CLI with those env vars you posted. YMMV
For several months I've used colima. It seems more performant, and I really don't need the UI. That said, my use cases are pretty basic (mostly just web apps with Docker Compose)
The Digital Markets Act [0] was voted, published, and parts of it will be applicable as of beginning of May 2023.
Some technical workshops [1] are being organized with interested stakeholders to receive their views on specific issues and questions that may arise in relation to the specific implementing measures by gatekeepers that are to ensure effective compliance with that legislation.
Zyro is using high-availability AWS (Amazon Web Services) to store and serve website assets. We’re using a combination of multiple layers on top of that to achieve the best possible speed:
CDN to serve a website from location closest to website users’ - improving download speed
Caching at the edge, to make sure that static assets are not downloaded when not necessary
Serverless tasks for optimization of built website (such as image compression)
Cloudflare - to provide a set of optimizations and protect from attacks
Optimization techniques such as brotli/gzip compression, minimization of the code, etc.