This is great! One improvement would be to not use an example that's "meta". Your example company is "YC Series A". It takes mental effort to separate the series A narrative that is your article, and the series A narrative that is your example company. This problem is at its worst on the "Use of funds" slide: "We're raising $50k to scale to supporting $1.5B in Series A funds raised annually." The couple of seconds spent in interpreting that correctly is an avoidable distraction.
Just avoid the common trope of examples that are "meta"!
That’s a good point - I went back and forth on what to base my sample slides off of. Ultimately, it was important to me to protect the privacy of the founders I work with, and was worried that any non-meta example I used would be taken to resemble any company I had worked with. I also didn’t want founders to copy the deck wholesale, but instead to adapt it to their specific situation, so I chose an example that doesn’t apply to any startup. Of course, the numbers used shouldn’t be taken too seriously anyway :)