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That is what I immediately thought as well. The problem though is that a perfect hash is still going to be O(key length) for the hash function, which they are trying to avoid.

In theory, if they used a regex it would be using a state machine to do the matching, which should have similar performance to the trie- only O(k) in the worst case. But from what I understand regex libraries don't actually build the state machine, they use backtracking so the performance is no longer O(k).

I'm surprised they couldn't find a performant regex library that already existed that uses state machines. It should have similar performance to the trie. But in reality, the performance is affected more deeply by things like memory access patterns and the performance of specific arithmetic operations, so it's impossible really to speculate.

I wonder how much faster it gets when you shorten the maximum internal key length. If you re-map everything to like "cf-1", "cf-2", .. "cf-;" then you'd only need to hash like 4 characters.

A couple of years ago they redesigned the mobile experience for timeline and since then it’s become so unresponsive it’s basically unusable.

I don't know why they needed to kill the web interface if they still let you 'backup' your location history to the cloud.

The timeline backup is encrypted clientside before upload.

Meaning no casual FBI or police warrant is gonna vacuum it up (at least not from Google, they’ll just go to the cell providers / towers instead as siblings have pointed out).

Obviously yes NSA and CIA and various other nation state attackers will just get it directly off your phone or evil maid you or surveil you in any number of other more traditional ways.

Someone mentioned geofence warrants, i.e. cops/feds asking "Hey Google, tell us which accounts had devices found in these time-space coordinates!", I guess they'd be asking mobile providers to do more logging as an alternative.

A Google account is probably more useful than a SIM card, which might be anonymous or have exchanged hands from the registered buyers, if you as a cop can ask Google to hand over the emails or IPs used by this account, you can find the person's identity and address (if using home IPs subpoena-able by asking the ISP).

I wonder if it's not just American police, imagine this question being asked by Russian FSB, or the "good guys" in the form of the Israeli authorities.

The cell providers actually do erase this data. I tried to subpoena it for a murder suspect to help show he wasn't at the scene, but he left it too late, and Verizon said that they delete their data after 5 years. I don't know the timescales of the other networks.

Not to say that the NSA don't have it all backed up -- I'm sure they do -- but for warrant (i.e. legal process purposes) it probably has a shorter timespan than the Timeline data stuck on Google's infra.

They are wearing an eternity collar, which means they are in a BDSM relationship. Wearing something highly visible like that is basically performing your kink in public. There is much more discrete jewelry they could wear. I don’t think it’s appropriate for a work place even in 2024.

99% of the population wouldn't know what that jewelry is anyway, including some of those who wear it.

And wearing a collar is not performkng anything kinky.

That looks like a regular necklace to me, of a fairly generic choker variety that is popular today and was popular 20 years ago.

I see nothing explicit in that necklace.

Maybe to you it does have some additional meanings, hell maybe it does to her as well, but so do wedding rings, and I’m going to go out on a limb and say you aren’t critiquing people for having profile pics with those.

> in a BDSM relationship

I guess people with this knowledge are probably part of that subculture, not sure why would they be pothered by that fact. For others, like me it looks like random necklet.

That photo is absolutely fine. You're telling on yourself more than anything else.

Their jewellery appears discrete to me. What would continuous jewellery look like?

You may not think it's appropriate for a workplace, but their employer clearly does or they wouldn't be employed.

And how is that any different than any other piece of jewelry? It in no way impedes or impacts your life, just like hair color or cut, earrings, other necklaces, even wedding rings.

Why does it matter that it has a significance beyond "it's pretty"? As long as it's not obviously discriminatory in nature (like a necklace full of swastikas), then why does it have to pass your "decency" tests?

If you know, you know, otherwise it's just jewelry.

Ok, boomer.

Find me a printer that’s more reliable than a phone.

The reliability of the printer versus the phone is not at discussion. The reason to go with paper tickets is that they have significantly better availability and partition tolerance than phone based tickets. Using a paper ticket requires that the ticket be available at an exact future moment in time (when you board). The hassle of potentially using multiple unreliable printers ahead of time to prepare the paper ticket is an engineering trade off in providing a system with excellent time of use properties.

In the event that your personal printer is not functioning, the airport has many publicly accessible printers for your ticket printing convenience.

If a printer is broken, you find that out much earlier, with time to address the fault before it becomes a crisis.

If someone is carrying their printer with them on their entire trip in order to print their boarding passes at the last possible second at the gate, that's... A different kind of problem.

Still use the same Brother laser AIO purchased in 2007, a printer in 2006 and a Canon around the same time. They all work perfectly, only the rubber rollers on the double sided ADF had to be replaced.

I don’t have any phones still working of that vintage.

Not a perfect comparison but the argument is dumb because the item at issue is the printed product not the printer.

I support everything in this comment.

After more than a decade at large sw companies, I can count on one hand the number of migrations where the legacy system was ever able to be turned down. I’ve seen migrations drag on for years, to the point where most of the team has turned over. I’ve seen them become a three-way migration because the second version was deemed insufficient so a third solution was introduced.

Absolutely put your most senior devs on this; maintain as much support from management as possible; budget for much, much more time than you think; you need full commitment or you are going to be maintaining both systems indefinitely.

Do senior Devs actually want to work on such a thankless project?

It favors people who just want a clear thing to work on for a year or two.

> After more than a decade at large sw companies, I can count on one hand the number of migrations where the legacy system was ever able to be turned down.

If part of the plan wasn't to run a v1 shim on top of v2 to handle legacy users that won't migrate, v2 almost certainly doesn't meet the needs of v1 customers and it's not a question of 'migration' it's a question of ending a product and releasing a similar product.

Sometimes that's what's wanted and needed, but often it's not, and then it's a surprise that the v1 users want their needs met and it's hard to say no to paying customers, but nobody signed up to run two products forever.

I’ve seen this happen in situations where the migration is totally invisible to users. My last team is five years into an opaque database migration that seems to only expand in scope. It’s just a symptom of the migration being more difficult than originally expected usually combined with losing momentum or leadership support. Obviously no one originally intends to keep maintaining both system indefinitely.

The modern version would seem to be every platform expands until it includes instant messaging.

I believe that's outdated already, the next...uh, expansion layer would be some sort of generative AI features.

In other words, every other platform expands until it can summarize emails.

IM is just fancy email.

Legally? No, you cannot possess any part of a undomesticated bird under the Wild Bird Conservation Act.

That's not true. You're allowed to hunt game birds in accordance with regulations, including ducks. You're not allowed to take live birds home, but you can have parts as long as you're within the bag limit.

You should exclude unit tests. And the package line from Java files.

3% of a big number is... still pretty big. It's easily going to be five figures in most markets.

Do you actually have any evidence for this? While having zero personal projects is probably a red flag, in my last job search I saw almost no clicks on links to projects. From personal experience, most hiring managers are so busy they barely even read the resume. They are definitely not going to comb through someone's github submissions.

This has been my experience on the hiring side too. Nowadays almost all resumes have a link to GitHub, but 80%+ of the time the accounts have been dead for months/years. My favorite was a candidate whose GitHub was totally empty - they had just created an account, done nothing on it, and still included it in their resume!!

All my GH contributions have been to private/corporate work. sigh yet another barrier. All my contributions before that were before github existed. Since then, I don't know what to work on in public as it's not actually that obvious where to find interesting problems when web is not one's domain. But I guess that's the perils of being an older programmer.

That’s… what I was afraid of.

I’m hiring too, but few of my applicants include a GH link. I’ve never seen a GL link, much less Gitea, etc.

And mind you, I’m looking. Hard. I’ll often Google the person to see if I can find a GH account for them. I hit rarely, and it’s weird.

Today one of my applicants had a GH profile and a README, a couple dozen projects in various stages of abandonment, etc, and I was deliriously happy.

I’m not very experienced in hiring (this is the first opening that I’ve written the JD for, reviewed the applications, wrote the tech interview questions, etc), but we’re clearly doing something wrong. We have a few great applicants (mostly from here and Reddit) and a whole lot of low-effort, low-value noise.

True -- many hrs are too busy to look at projects, but from talking to peers/colleagues I can't think of more than a few people in my space that don't have at least something pinned on their gh. Many of them do this for the sole reason of having something to "stand out" to potential employers. I imagine it varies based on the companies to which you're applying -- smaller companies tended to care a lot, larger ones hardly even asked about my resumé.

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