It is better now, but amusingly - "The other guy is not as well as you, but better with bowling.", in this case it should be "The other guy is not as good as you".
Thank you for the kind words. It is actually very difficult to estimate if the article is well written or not if you are not using you mother tongue (at least this is how I feel about it). So I consider your comment very motivating!
The point isn't that the founder loses 200k out of his pocket, it's that the founder loses out on a potential of 200k by taking a lower salary working on the startup instead of working at a company.
I used to intern at a company that manufactured credit cards. If I recall correctly, this actually is in place in South American countries. Due to relatively low fraud rates, credit and debit card security in the US is far behind the rest of the world.
Edit: Somewhat replying to a sibling comment. In countries with less effective police, they originally put withdrawal limits on the cards, but this just caused muggers to hold their victims until the victim's account was drained.
Further Edit: I couldn't find any online sources for this information, so I could be remembering incorrectly.
If the teacher didn't bother enough to read the paper and fail him, maybe he deserves the degree that he got.
Though someone stated that (not sure if this is fact) there is no statute of limitations on plagiarism, I feel like when it comes to college papers there should be.
Regardless of the fact that legally, college students are adults, they are still very prone to making mistakes. I see no reason to punish this one simply because he had the misfortune of copying a paper from an internet blogger.
"Regardless of the fact that legally, college students are adults, they are still very prone to making mistakes."
How is it that you define wholesale copying of someone else's work and passing it off as your own a "mistake"? You might as well call burglary a "mistake".
"I see no reason to punish this one simply because he had the misfortune of copying a paper from an internet blogger."
Holy chutzpah Batman! He chose of his own free will to copy someone's work rather than do the work himself (which is CLEARLY against the rules). But because the person he copied from is a blogger who has the means to expose his misdeeds, that's unfair?
Punching a hole in the wall is a mistake. Cheating on your wife is a mistake. Steering your car into a ditch, or into another car, is a mistake. People can do these things out of a sudden lapse of attention or outburst of emotion. Plagiarism isn't a mistake, it's premeditated and everyone knows not to do it.
I can't imagine the circumstances where that's true. In general, you'd have at least a few hours to decide and change your mind. In most cases it wouldn't happen at all unless you actively show your interest in that other person.
Maybe when you're drunk and a lady just throws herself at you out of nowhere? I don't know how I would call such a person though ... lucky bastard?
Humans are hard wired to eat, fuck, fight and flee; everything else takes deliberation. That said, you may be right and I'm not inclined to quibble this particular point :)
I'd like to see the teacher and school named too. If 1 plagiarist in a million is publicly ripped to shreds, it won't make a difference. If a school that possibly graduates thousands of plagiarists is discredited, more professors might actually do their jobs.
I don't think it's unethical to cheat if cheating becomes the norm. At some point, it becomes the fault of the system, not the participants, and the schools are higher up the food chain.
Assuming rebalancing, it seems to me that your wait time EV is the same either way, with less variance in the single queue case. Thus the shopper throughput should remain the same. Can someone explain to me if/why this is wrong?
Also, where did the HN title come from? I could not find that claim in the article.
I can let any spelling mistake or grammatical murder slide except this one. I won't comment on it as that's a bit petulant, but I will seethe inside and often, almost without thinking, I'll disregard whatever else they wrote.
The author is guilty of time traveling here. Obviously now we know that social networking CAN be viral. Its always easy to look back and say "how did they miss that?".
Also, buzz was meant to compete with facebook? I always considered it more of a twitter knock-off, as the user experience is much more like twitter than fb.
Google is definitely playing catch-up now, but its a mistake to count them out. Myspace got replaced by facebook, so another power shift (although unlikely) is not unthinkable.
Great article, though.