How do they know that fraudsters with fresh cookies and no referrer history aren't just in private browser mode? Sounds like the server would view them as the same in most cases.
On Firefox, IndexDB throws an InvalidStateError only on private mode, I'm sure there are equivalents for Chrome.
You can try that in the console of Firefox:
var request ="MyTestDatabase", 3);request.onerror = function (event) { if ( === 'InvalidStateError') alert('private mode')}
I've actually found a few online stores which now check for this and redirect you to a "turn off private browsing to browse our site" message. It's moderately annoying that they refuse to even let me see what they have for sale until I agree to let them use my hard drive.
The magazine analogy doesn't work though, unless you are referring to a free magazine. The magazine generates revenue through sales of the magazine and advertising within the magazine. Whereas platforms provide users with free services that are supported by ads.
They didn't create agile, but I'd say that their products are a large reason why agile methodology caught on in mid-to-large businesses.
Companies are hearing about agile, and then Atlassian offers a series of products that enable it, that work well together and are decently flexible. I've been through some companies that are just wall-to-wall Atlassian products.
His point may have been that there are some really obvious, ugly typos, especially in the BIG RED BANNER segments (which can only be fixed by redoing the imaged).
Modular phones will create opportunities for high quality audio drivers for Android.
Apple products are synonymous with quality audio, and Apple's success is partly attributed to it's investment in music technology.
A brand like Beats which is popular with young audiophiles could potentially transform Android into a recognizable music platform if they provided a Beats audio driver and quality headphones.
This is a risky proposition for Apple as it would drive more of their high-end audience to view Android as a serious audio contender.
> Apple products are synonymous with quality audio
Are they?
I like Apple products but the headphones really aren't great, certainly not for what you pay for them (looking at the prices for the headphones alone).
In that sense you might argue there is a certain synergy with Beats...