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Make sure to watch the video (in 4K) and see just how far away this galaxy is:


Mind blowing far.

Makes me wonder how they found this one. Did they just point it at one random place and happened to find this galaxy there, or did they have to look around for a long time.

If we take that telescope array and point it at a new random place will we just find another one of these galaxies in short order?

Coinbase offers a (beta) cost basis for taxes report via https://www.coinbase.com/reports

"Pirated software" is not the right term to use in this case.

Was I really the first to upload a TXT file that only had the words "hello world"?


I was expecting to see someone else's document that had that text.

I suspect they are salting and using timestamp so that two similar documents don't get the same hash?

Can someone answer this? Raw read the memory to an external device and then brute force that shit using super computers until it cries.

If you can break AES... then the NSA would love to have a word with you :P

The FBI is going after the lowest hanging fruit, the users password that was used to create the crypto key.

The user's password is not used to create the crypto key; it is randomly generated and burned in at the factory.

It is used to create the crypto key, using a password based key derivation function, using the user's password fed into the PBKDF the output is the key used for encryption/decryption.

The users device key is mixed into that PBKDF. Without both parts of the equation, you have nothing.

For your reading enjoyment: https://www.apple.com/business/docs/iOS_Security_Guide.pdf

Specifically page 11 the diagram at the bottom.

Damn, that's a great idea. Talk to you in a billion billion years.


Reminds of Mr. Incredible's day job as an insurance salesman who helped the nice old lady by telling her how to work the insurance system.

I assume the goal is to make a rectangle? Does it have to be a square?

Rectangle, not possible to make a square. (Count the area and try and find integer width & height that fits)

But two squares is possible (8x8 with a negative 2x2 anywhere inside, including at the center)

Yes, the goal is to make a rectangle. It cannot be one giant square as there are 60 (5 x 12) mini squares.

Where is the "BUY NOW" button?

Do you mean something like this http://www.rocketlabusa.com/

Like an extension of the old "if you have to ask [the price].."

I wonder how many bitcoins can be mined with it :)

I would be interested in similar experiments but with a couple of minor variations to see the effects of each:

1. Sending the NOINDEX meta tag

2. Combining meta tags

3. Monitoring for a referrer URL that matches a Google search page to catch the 1st non-sneaky user coming from the index.

4. Monitoring other search engines and their behaviors.

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