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That is an excuse. Musk should see jail time.

No one is above reproach.

Thank gods.

> would never dream of using company resources

Have you tried considering that you have no spinal column?

You may also be fired for your race and gender.

They just have to find an excuse.

The corporation should pay for the defendant's lawyer.

No. This is bullshit propaganda.

At-will only benefits the employer.

It does not benefit the employee in any way.

At all.

At-will, in a sane world, means that a company cannot fire an employee unless they severely disrupt business operations, but the employee can quit and recieve unemployment benefits.

But I don't trust you to understand basic human decency so let me communicate that in a way you can understand: goo goo ga gah, bllblblbbb goo goo ga gah.

It does though. Especially.

> (I am neither a Musk fan nor a hater)

Don't give them an inch.

Ok. Elaborate. Why is this important?

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