> While you should be migrated to version 3 already, this book covers both versions 2 and 3 - when there are differences or new functionality in a later version I make a point of saying so and offer solutions to users still on version 2.
Yeah, I guess I just don't understand why I "should be migrated to version 3 already" when a non-dev build has yet to be released. Seems like a nice book otherwise.
for replacing the RAM on a unibody aluminum MacBook Pro? it's one screwdriver (Phillips 00), maybe 10 screws to remove from the edges of the back cover, and the RAM modules are easily accessible without any additional tools. One of the easiest RAM upgrades I've ever done... maybe 10 minutes max.
(not that it matters anymore since the retina models aren't user-upgradeable)
The 2006/2007 versions were definitely a chore to take apart and required three or four different screwdrivers. The unibody ones starting in late 2008 are much easier to work on. (At least when replacing the RAM and HDD.)
I've never upgraded a unibody aluminum MBP. The ones I've worked on were from 2007.
It is nice that there was a temporary respite of upgradability before they decided to go to the furthest extreme possible and make it entirely non-upgradable.
Actually the "might not be compatible with medical research" is the great part about it. Life sciences research often tends to be short-sighted, plagued by the egos of scientists, the politics of scientific publishing and the fight for government funding. I hope YC chooses the "incompatible" route.
NextBus (or NextMuni, specifically) tracks buses and light rail by GPS... so what you're looking at isn't the actual bus schedule, but the estimated arrival time. Bus schedules are published on the Muni website and I doubt that mang of them are followed strictly.
They actually already do this with their retail stores: You can scan products with the Apple Store App and pay for it using your Apple ID and its charged to your credit card on file.
This is brilliant when you're at a mega-busy Apple store on a Saturday afternoon and all you want is a Lightning cable adapter. Pick, scan, pay, show the nice man on the way out, PROFIT.
> While you should be migrated to version 3 already, this book covers both versions 2 and 3 - when there are differences or new functionality in a later version I make a point of saying so and offer solutions to users still on version 2.
Yeah, I guess I just don't understand why I "should be migrated to version 3 already" when a non-dev build has yet to be released. Seems like a nice book otherwise.