Yeah, and I've seen that in Portland and Seattle, but for some reason in the Bay Area plenty of companies are willing to compete on salary so you've got lots of 22-year-olds making at least $90k, but they work 12 to 16 hour days.
For me the thing that is really the worst about the open workspace is not the noise--I can put in ear plugs and then noise reducing headphones. The worst is seeing people move around in my peripheral vision, that just makes it impossible to concentrate.
I agree. I absolutely hate visual distractions. They occur constantly in the open office I'm in. It used to be worse as my desk faced a popular meeting room, but it's still pretty bad.
I think I read here that people in wall-facing desks on shared offices are more stressed (due to unconscious worry/instincts due to people moving at your back)
With the release of Java 7 (invokedynamic) the performance of these dynamic languages (like ruby and python) may become much less of a factor (JRuby and Jython). At least that's what the JRuby folks imply:
Punch Line from Link:
"There’s a very real chance that invokedynamic could improve JRuby performance many times, putting us on par with our statically-typed brothers like Java and Scala. And that means you can write Ruby code without fear. Awesome."
Right on! I was going to make the same comment until I saw yours. Charles Nutter has been very enthusiastic about invokedynamic based speed improvements - can't wait.
A little off topic: as a consultant it seems like the demand for Clojure was been tremendous: Clojure is a nice language and very performant. It will be really interesting to see how much large speed improvements in JRuby will cut into Java's, Clojure's and Scala's developer market-share.
Or you could use Ruby where it continues to make the most sense and use Python where that makes the most sense. After all, the languages are so similar that keeping them both in the tool belt has less mental overhead than say Ruby and Scala.
The way you phrase this makes it sound like you have to work harder to burn more fat as you get more fit. This is not true. Say your cardio workout consists of running at N% of your max heart rate for 1 hr, covering a distance D. The more fit you become, the greater distance you will cover running at the same N% of your max heart rate. Since the number of calories you burn is proportional to the distance you run (work done), as you get fitter you will burn more calories without needing to exert additional effort. Cardio is a good way to lose weight, esp in combination w/strength training.