I loved this idea ! I decided to develop a cli that reproduces these commands here for those interested: https://github.com/sahbic/todo-cli
It can synchronize tasks on github, and I can use a telegram bot to list and add tasks to the list from my mobile phone.
Indeed it's GDPR issues that lead to the ban. I agree with you that the expression" safety of AI" may be too generic. The right to data portability (downloading your own data) was implemented only recently and that's what made this project possible. There are other concerns like the right to be forgotten which implies the ability to delete someone's data. For LLMs this would mean filtering the input data, retraining models which come with high costs.
Yes, that's right but you can see this as a fiction inside the fiction. This agent "thinks" he is capable of predicting the future of individuals and acts as if he can.