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Anyone else bothered by the fact that the font size is only 11px? Being on a 27" iMac the article was hard to read.

TSDR (Too Small Didn't Read)

You can change it here: http://daringfireball.net/preferences/

Or zoom on the browser itself (but you already knew that).

I didn't know he had a preferences page. Thank you.

The link is on the footer :)

Install the Clearly browser extension or the Readability bookmarklet.

Command Shift +

Thanks for replying! Thats good to know that it happens more than I thought.

I actually signed up at whitetruffle and thats what got me thinking about it. I saw that some of the jobs had "Remote OK".

I will definitely keep looking around for a job that will fit my skills.

Thanks again!

Kinda lame... Not sure why either.

Very glad to see this on the front page. This is by far the best PHP framework out there. It still blows me away what it is capable of.

Hi, I'm currently a heavy codeigniter user, looking for a switch. Can you please give me some of these examples you speak of that blow you away? Thank you.

one that got me was in a controller you can:

     return Model::Find('asdf=1');
and it outputs a json serialized array as html. so your ajax action is like one line of code, yay. or you can $row = Model::Find('asdf=1'); and manipulate in php from there.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSt9rBa_oUM this guys series on laravel is really good.

> and it outputs a json serialized array as html

Actually, it renders a raw JSON response - a single object of 'unguarded' attributes (all by default) for the model with Content-Type: application/json set. It has nothing to do with HTML.

Your syntax is invalid too. To do what you want you'd actually call

    return Model::where('asdf', 1)->first();

lets just say im a ex-CI user that wrote a huge app in CI and abandoned CI and went w/ Laravel the move cost 4 months of devs and about 20K... it was worth it.

with no leadership and clear vision CodeIgniter is screwed... L4 follows PHP-Fig standards and it uses composer packaging, it has great leadership, community and is growing...

Sounds a lot like my situation, except I didn't drop out, I finished out the associates degree so I could take the few programming classes I wanted. It took my two years, I got a little bit of college under my belt, got a job before I finished, and was only 18 when I graduated.

I think experience and skill level speak higher than a degree in this field. I have hired people that don't have a degree, because they have a nice portfolio and have the skills I need.

I don't have a degree (I dropped out of college) and I make more than that. I'm good at what I do; its not easy, and its obscure.

I'm so tempted to implement this on one of my clients sites without telling them, just for a day!

> previous clients


Why am I just noticing the "by Google" under the logo?!

That's actually one of the more interesting parts about Angular. I'm not sure of the details but I believe the Angular team have been counting on Object.observe for increasing the performance of the Angular code [0] (something that Google / the Chrome team have influence over).

The Angular code you write now won't need to be updated and will get a great speed boost later. Other libraries, like Ember, get you to add all that metadata to your code to give you a performance boost now (which to me feels like something you'll regret in a year's time).

Ah, this is the post I was looking for [1].

[0] http://blog.angularjs.org/2012/07/angularjs-10-12-roadmap.ht...

[1] https://plus.google.com/112439678898563138768/posts/RZKRBiGX...

Actually, I'm sure it'll break a few things. Angular doesn't have a good concept of update granularity, which can be problematic when you get to the multi-directive interaction phase...

Google staffs the project with several talented engineers. Misko Hevery is an amazing benevolent dictator. He earns my trust and respect. A confluence of genius and pragmatism.

Because they can ask me what the project is about on Skype. Then my partner and I can both explain it and visually show them. Its not like we are trying to hide what we are doing or anything.

I imagine anyone worth bringing on is busy working on their own stuff. It's in your best interest to explain your project. Most people will see your post and not contact you. They won't contact you, and you won't get the opportunity to show or say anything.

I think your prediction was wrong. I had plenty of people contact me. Definitely some that are worth bringing on and are excited to work on the project.

Sqwiggle is awesome!

I would have been so pissed if I won and found out I still had to pay $1500!

Don't they also have to fly to New York? I think I heard Chris Pirillo mention something like that.

$1500 + Round Trip Plane Tickets = Early Access to a device that they may not like at all? Sure makes me glad I didn't win.

To be fair, Google made it pretty clear that winners still had to purchase the device.

Would you have paid $1500 to have an iPhone a year earlier than anyone else in the world?

Absolutely not. It'll still be there next year.

I know a lot of people that would have paid even more...

Many of the big market opportunities that result won't be.

Big market opportunities might result. You're effectively investing in an unproven platform with high risk/return.

iPhone is typically used as a status icon rather than a device that actually has purpose (this is why some people replace their phone every year). Having such a high profile device a year before it comes out would be an extremely powerful status icon, just like how there's lots of people who are willing to blow 1500+ to get google glass ahead of release.

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