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For the people who want to try this on OS X run `locate ncurses.h` to see if you have the ncurses library. If you have Xcode installed, you should have it in a few places. Then update the Makefile, set `NCURSES_H = {dir}` and it should make and install just fine.

brew install no-more-secrets


Sweet, thanks! I'm not sure why I didn't think to try that. Worked for me!

Maybe added that to their github?

This could be done with a single VT100 escape: print multi-line junk, move the cursor back, print less junky junk, repeat.

(Even with some optimization: for any line that is not changing any more, just emit a CR-LF).

You don't even need to put the TTY into raw mode; no termios calls needed, and \n is your CR-LF.

If you have a better implementation, ship it. Don't trash someone else's work from the sidelines.

edit: OP removed the snark from the comment.

Specifically, I removed the text "Seriously?"

Oooh, good one! Do I have your permission to use it in the code review I'm going into in 30 minutes?

If you were releasing your tool to the reviewer free of charge, absolutely.

Its pretty cool to see this being done in ASP.NET Core and TypeScript.

Microsoft sure has come a long way over the past few years. I'm glad to see that developers are embracing it too!

I would bet that static analysis is going to be one of the top reasons. Being able to automate the process of analyzing code for leaked keys, outdated/vulnerable libraries, insecure storage, permissions, etc.

Here is an open-source tool I've used in the past to do quick static security checks on APKs: https://github.com/ajinabraham/Mobile-Security-Framework-Mob...

It also supports dynamic analysis, but I haven't used that portion of it yet.

I, too, am interested in the other enterprise tools that are built on top of this though.

That is the most common occurrence of this issue. It can also happen with directives that use transclude or if the app is explicitly call Angular's $interpolate function on a user's input.

You should definitely avoid mixing server side and client side templates, but if that's too much work, scrubbing would work. You would need to strip the expression stand and end symbols. Default symbols are '{{' and '}}', but some apps use different symbols to avoid collisions with other template engines that use the double curly brace.

From the research I have done, this is a true statement. The reason being is people are adding Angular into their web apps that were initially built with an MVC framework of some sort.

The problem ends up being that they mix server side templates with client side templates. If user input is rendered in a server side template and ends up in an element that is part of the Angular scope, the expression will evaluate. So attaching an angular controller to your body tag and then including server side templates within the body, is bad...

So who will be the next president?

Hillary Bush.

Author here. Thanks for sharing! I was wondering why I was getting traffic from HN :)

Completely agree! I started limiting myself to apps that had night mode such as, Alien Blue and Tweetbot.

Being able to go from a computer with f.lux to my iPhone with f.lux will play much nicer with my eyes at night. I can literally feel the strain in my eyes when going from f.lux to no f.lux.

We can only hope that control of blue light emissions will be natively implemented by all phone and tablet manufacturers, to protect the future health of billions of humans. Here are some articles about the impact of blue light on eyes and sleep.

http://thenextweb.com/lifehacks/2014/04/23/7-things-can-righ..., "Blue light is able to pass through what is called the retinohypothalamic tract, or pathway. This pathway is responsible for regulating our circadian rhythm and a number of other biological and behavioral processes."

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2831986/, "Hastings and Sweeney’s paper, published in the December 1958 Biological Bulletin, gathered dust for decades. No one thought these findings might hold any relevance for humans, whose circadian rhythms were then widely believed to be relatively insensitive to light. But scientific discoveries in the past two decades have changed all that."

https://theconversation.com/a-dark-night-is-good-for-your-he..., "In the last decade or two it has become clear that the genes which control the endogenous circadian rhythm (the “clock genes”) also control a large part of our entire genome including genes for metabolism (how we process the food we eat), DNA damage response (how we are protected from toxic chemicals and radiation), and cell cycle regulation and hormone production (how our cells and tissues grow)."

There is room lighting with low-blue content, e.g. the G.E. Align PM bulb, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PLR3M0M & https://gigaom.com/2014/09/01/what-is-the-blue-light-from-ou..., "It remains unclear whether our screens themselves will soon emit less blue light — Hansler is pessimistic because he says that changing the amount of blue light will be like admitting that the screens are causing health problems, and lawsuits could ensue."

> Hansler is pessimistic because he says that changing the amount of blue light will be like admitting that the screens are causing health problems, and lawsuits could ensue.

You don't need to talk of it as a health problem. Just say it makes it kinder on the eyes.

That Minimal Viable Product graphic on there is a classic! I love it! Always a good thing to show people when when they get too hung up on the planning phase.

I'm a believer in: Just build something that works and iterate off that. Prototype rather than over-engineer. Over-engineering early is future proofing for a future that may never happen.

Having been recently diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive type), I never thought I had ADHD, because I COULD focus on things. I didn't realize that this hyper-focused state I would go into was a major sign of ADHD, especially since I couldn't stop focusing.

I, too, was one of the fortunate ones that hyper focused on computers and programming. This focus started at a very young age, and has since turned itself into a very rewarding career.

You are not alone! I believe there is a pretty strong correlation between software developers and ADHD. I feel like programming works well with the chemistry of an ADHD brain. Some of the best engineers I've met have been diagnosed with ADHD. There are a few that I believe have it, but I'm not sure if they've been diagnosed or not.

ADHD truly is a very interesting brain type!

How is being able to focus on, say, a coding problem, a sign of ADHD? This DSM 5 trait sounds a bit arbitrary.

It's important to note that hyperfocus is not a DSM-V criteria for ADHD. In fact, hyperfocus doesn't appear anywhere in any official diagnostic criteria for ADHD that I'm aware of (If I'm wrong, I'd love to know).

The official DSM-V criteria, along with helpful explanations, are available here: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/diagnosis.html

I'm still not sure how hyperfocus came to be such a popular idea on internet ADD forums and self-diagnosis websites. If someone can point me toward the etymology of the idea, I'd really like to see it.

Very true! My psychiatrist even said that hyperfocus has nothing to do with how people are diagnosed. He did mention that hyperfocus is a common trait among people who do have ADHD, but not exclusive to them. Meaning there are plenty of non-ADHD human's out there that have the same ability(or issue) to hyperfocus.

It's not the ability to focus on a coding problem, that is a sign of ADHD. It's the inability to focus on anything BUT the coding problem.

It doesn't matter whether it is a coding problem, video game, book, website, or any other task. There are times when there is something much more important to be focusing on, but it requires such an insane amount of effort to focus on that thing, that you simply don't. Or maybe you do focus on the important task, but chances are it doesn't get your full attention or you end up distracted very quickly.

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