Vincent Woo in 2020: "Lambda has claimed a 86% student placement rate for years. The real number is probably about 50%." [1]
From the announcement: "BloomTech and Allred lured prospective enrollees with inflated promises of job-placement rates as high as 86 percent, when the company’s internal metrics showed placement rates closer to 50 percent and in some cases as low as 30 percent."
I remember seeing you debate Jason Calacanis from the all in podcast on this week in startups on this exact topic. You are probably one of the most confident, well spoken people I have ever heard on a podcast. You also don't derive your comfort from the people around you, so you didn't feel the need to laugh away awkward moments. It's a great watch.
My guess is partially what vardaro mentioned (to hedge their bets), and partially because the space is really, really "wide" (not sure if that's the right word) in the sense that products like this could go in a million different directions... for example: email marketing, CRM, session reply, chatbots, etc. etc.
That's to say, even though Papercups and Chatwoot seem pretty similar at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised if that changes quite a bit in a year or so!
(Also it's no secret that YC invests in a ton of similar companies :P e.g. our batch alone had at least three video conferencing companies iirc.)
From the announcement: "BloomTech and Allred lured prospective enrollees with inflated promises of job-placement rates as high as 86 percent, when the company’s internal metrics showed placement rates closer to 50 percent and in some cases as low as 30 percent."
Bravo Vincent!