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Curious about your breakdown between heavy lifting vs. cardio. I find that I can't do more than 4x/week of heavy lifting, so I've been trying to run (or something else) on the remaining 3 days.

Recovery is a thing, but I find most of us non-athletes as a job can do way more than we think. I lift heavy 3-4 times/week. Cardio 2-3 days/week. Sometimes I might lift heavy at 6am and then do cardio at 6pm depending on my schedule.

If I show up at the gym and really feel lacking, I do a different muscle group. If I show up to the gym and I'm supposed to do bench, but I'm hurting - squat instead. Squats struggling? Do a pull up workout (I'm trying to get to 500 pull ups in a single workout). Whole upper body hurt? Push the sled around. Or do a full body weight workout which acts more as an active recovery.

There are a limitless amount of things that can be done.

I think you need to factor age in as well. Recovery is a lot easier in your 20's.

I'm in my 40s. Too often people use a 'recovery day' to just skip the gym. Life throws enough curve balls, that few of us need a scheduled recovery day.

You're doing better than me then :-) I do 4 days of heavy lifts a week, and the other days are rest days. I don't schedule deload weeks though, as life causes those (work crunches, colds, family holidays etc).

> I find that I can't do more than 4x/week of heavy lifting

To quote Mark Rippetoe (it's likely in the article somewhere on his site, but I primarily consume his advice via podcast), "you don't get strong in the gym (as you mainly tear muscle in the gym) - you get strong when you sleep and recover".

Have you tried just upping your sleep?

How many grams of protein do you consume? Trying to eat the recommended amount (0.5 - 1.0 g / lb-bodyweight) seems like a lot of effort at first, but has amazing effects on recovery, especially for resistance exercise.

This formula is meant for fat-free body weight which most people forget to tell.

by "fat-free body weight", do you mean people that have a low body percentage already?

recovery is a thing. I also lift heavy 4x/week.

Do you have a source? this is really interesting, would love to read more.

I believe this is the study that's being referred to. It's not by the NYT but they wrote about research by economist Raj Chetty, of Stanford, and others.


Actually, Nietzsche's idea of the Ubermensch is a pretty strong criticism of the fear of death.

Data science / data scientist / data analyst role.

Location: SF Bay Area

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: R, SQL, Python

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohun-ati-3174952a

email: ratijr AT yahoo

You know it's bad when real headlines sound like they're from the Onion...

no, i think you're spot on. it's always interplay between reading reviews, while factoring in cuisine, distance and price.

It would be nice if you responded to emails.

Swift on Sails

I agree. I have found that I've done best in courses where the instructor post solutions to all problems, homework, practice, and exams.

The service Magic is an instance of excellent design imo. It's scrappy, clever, simple, and most importantly, there is a very clear reason to use. I can't say the same about the many of the products he listed.

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