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There is a lot of empty space in EVE, but there's also a lot of activity. The fact that your empty space can rapidly turn hostile forces you to take a certain approach to gameplay that I've yet to experience in any other game. I used to live in wormhole space, which feels even more empty than regular EVE space as there is no "local chat" listings of people in the same system as you. Corps that live in wormhole space generally just assume that there are cloaked spies everywhere (and they're usually right).

I also don't think permadeath is a reasonable parallel. Your pilot's skills in EVE are not lost on death, and these are required to pilot certain ships as well as gating some other things in game. XP for these skills are simply gained over time from a queue. On death, you respawn as a new clone, retaining all your skills but losing all the physical possessions you had on you at time of death. These have an in-game monetary value, which is where the desire to avoid dying comes from. There are two categories of possession you can lose this way: your ship and everything in/on it (called the fitting), and your implants. Implants augment your skills, and can be rather expensive. Once they are inserted, they cannot be removed without being destroyed, so it's quite common for people to go out and have fun in cheap ships after losing an expensive clone before later reinserting expensive implants again.

I miss EVE too, but I also simply don't have time to give my old characters the justice they deserve anymore.

In my experience EVE online was hours (days?) of boringness for a relatively small amount of extreme fun

This. I was there when BoB fell, and despite being on the losing side those weeks of intense battles were _awesome_. That was it, though. Nullsec warfare became a rather tedious grind shortly afterwards, and CCP didn't bother to fix it, instead prefering to focus on microtransactions.

I assume my characters are still sitting in Amamake a decade later, but getting back into a game only to have it feel like a second job? Narh, I prefer playing Civ6 with the missus instead. Most of the people I played with quit anyway.

Perhaps this is a byproduct of the UI (which I totally agree is bad), but this is not true.

`git reflog` contains a full history of all refs you’ve been on in chronological order. Unless you explicitly delete them, dangling refs are not cleaned up immediately. If you rewrite history and realise you made a mistake, you can likely recover by simply resetting the mutated branch to something from the reflog, even days or weeks afterwards (the default reflog retention is 30 days).

You learn something every day!

Another super simple technique is to create a branch where you start to go back to if you need to; ie if you are rebasing `foo`, start by running `git branch foo-back` and you can always reset back there if needed.

Since I often play with razors by rebasing, resetting, cherry picking, etc locally - I created a `git tmp` alias so I can play without fear of needing to go reflog diving again.

The `tmp` command creates a commit of all changes, branches it, then rolls back the commit.

[1] https://github.com/flurdy/dotfiles/blob/master/.config/fish/...

This temp branch (or even `git tag my_orig_branch`) approach is usually a better on-ramp than the reflog. It's still too easy to misread the line in the reflog of a prior HEAD change and go to the wrong commit, whereas the tmp branch is foolproof (and fatigue-proof).

I’m sorry but this is a dangerously inaccurate summary of Australia’s gun laws and how they are perceived socially. For starters, private gun owners are not actually allowed to use their firearms in self defence. There have been some cases previously where people have and have been acquitted on grounds of self-defence, but if you use a gun on a person you are 100% going to be arrested, jailed, and charged, at which point you better hope you have a good lawyer.

It’s also extremely uncommon for even farmers to have shotguns. They fall under a different, much much more restrictive category (similar to pistols) and are generally not used by farmers who instead opt for bolt action rifles for pest control.

Additionally, it’s worth pointing out that the idea that a country needs a “well armed militia” is very American (or at least, not at all Australian). None of my Australian friends or family want this, and everyone I know is very happy with our gun laws and the social safety they afford us. I’m sure there are some Australians that disagree, but the widespread sentiment is overwhelmingly that Howard did the right thing in rapidly enacting sweeping gun reform after the Port Arthur massacre.

Your assertion that a non-primary-producer can only own a bolt action rifle is also incorrect. Anyone with the appropriate license can own a pistol or a shotgun, the requirements around frequency of sporting event participation are just much greater for these categories of firearm as we consider them much more dangerous to society and so (reasonably, imo) dramatically limit their ownership to only those who actively and responsibly use them for sport.

Finally, the scrutiny a person comes under for owning a bolt (or lever) action rifle is fairly minor. You need a safe place to store it (the state provides requirements, and the police will inspect it before granting the license, and also perform occasional spot checks), you need to be a member of a sport shooting association, and you need to participate in one shooting competition that is certified by that association per year. This is easy to do for someone who wants to own a gun in the city, as the only legitimate reason to own a gun for a non-primary-producer is sport shooting at a shooting range anyway. The most valid complaint I can think of is regarding this is that the storage requirements make it practically impossible for a renter to own a gun, as the safe must be either really heavy (making it very expensive) or permanently affixed to the building (a modification most Australian rental agreements forbid).

The Australian government also put its citizens in concentration camps with total impunity last year. That sort of outrageous mistreatment of lower and middle class people is not feasible outside of a few cities in the United States. Cheran in Mexico is also a good example of how resisting state-mandated civilian disarmament can discourage the abuse of citizens by powerful organizations.

There are plenty of ways to describe the Australian federal government’s handling of Covid, but to use the term “concentration camps” is unnecessarily inflammatory and not a sentiment that is shared by Australians.

The problems were not in the overall handling in general (in fact, everyone I know is ok with the way they locked down, at least the first 12-18 months or so anyway), but in the lack of a coherent plan for how to exit that situation. The federal government abdicated it’s responsibility, relying heavily on states to handle things that require more scale and coordination than they are capable of.

These discussions would be more productive if you didn’t project your country’s desire for “freedom” at all costs onto those that make different social trade offs. We are not oppressed by a nation state and we don’t need you to liberate us, thanks.

My friend, we in America have the most incarcerated individuals let’s not talk about outrages mistreatment of the lower classes.

Not sure what this has to do with Australia's gun laws. Talk about whataboutism. A country can have sensible laws in one sphere, but do awful things in another.

And as the sibling points out, the US's track record for incarceration (and concentration camps) isn't exactly great either.

> and the product looks somewhat like an off brand Nutella and doesn't smell as bad as it tastes...

As an Australian, I found this part of your statement confusing, as (unlike Marmite) Vegemite tastes great.

More seriously, even in small doses (ie: not spread on like it’s jam or peanut butter) it’s still an acquired taste. Australians just get a head start, eating it on toast for breakfast regularly from a very early age.

> there is always at least one leftover jar of Vegemite in the pantry (Aus version of this)

This is an insult to Vegemite.

When you’re an interviewer and you’ve asked the same question enough (tens of time is plenty, really) you’ve seen it all and it’s really obvious when someone has seen the question before.

People who haven’t seen the question before always stumble somewhere. There’s something they didn’t notice at first and need to account for, their solution is not structured optimally for the follow ups, they iterate over some possible solutions while thinking out loud to eliminate them etc.

It’s honestly not that hard to tell when someone is pretending they haven’t seen it before.

As an interviewer I find it easy to catch candidates who are regurgitating a memorized answer, but catching people who know the answer in-and-out is really hard. I've had the exact same experiences on the interviewing side of the table as well.

I think interviewers tend to overestimate their ability to catch people who have seen the question before and miss on tons of candidates who are good at answering seen questions.

It's actually not all that hard to stumble on the question at predictable spots. My process for solving a question I've seen before and one that is new to me actually doesn't differ all that much: as several clarifying questions at the start to confirm I understand the problem, then write a quick-n'-dirty solution as fast as possible. In this first pass I usually don't pay too much attention to things like bounds, which you wouldn't memorize anyways even if you knew the solution. Then I run a pass to polish the solution up, present it, then think of edge cases and how I'd test the solution. The only real difference is that I very rarely pretend not to have seen a question (I have done it twice, both in situations where it was clear the interviewer was out of questions and running down a list of things from memory, and I just wanted to humor them). You'd think that I'd be more sure of myself when I actually know the answer, but when I don't actually know what I'm doing I will usually come to the answer as I ask those clarifying questions and start stating the facts that usually score "this person at least has the gist of the problem" points, like "oh this is a graph and we're doing something with distance, let's see if Dijkstra is the right thing to apply".

I have 2600 hours in Rocket League. It's a fair bit for a "casual" player, but it's got nothing on pros (who are mostly up over 15k hours these days). I have some friends I play fairly regularly with, but we don't usually play against each other we play with each other.

The main reason I still play is to continue improving, and I don't think I could ever do that effectively if I was limited to only playing against people in my local sphere. My rank typically puts me somewhere in the top 1% of players (and honestly, I'm not even that good. The skill ceiling is insanely high), online match making may be frustrating sometimes but it's the easiest way to find opponents who will push those boundaries.

Would a hosted server work well for people who are much lower ranks who are primarily playing to just mess around with friends? Probably. I would quit tomorrow if online matchmaking went away though.

You can still run a default/master server. This isn't really a new problem.

> There are other viruses like this as well (ones that most people get/have but aren't dangerous). I was on one medication where I needed to be tested monthly because if I got one particular (normally harmless) virus, the suppression caused by the medication meant I would probably die.

For those curious, I’m going to guess and say this might’ve been Tysabri (natalizumab) and that the virus in question is JCV (John Cunningham virus). After approximately two years on Tysabri, people who test positive for JCV antibodies (approx half the population of the US) have an extremely high chance of developing an often-fatal brain infection called PML (Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy).

Tysabri was originally pulled by the FDA due to PML deaths back in the early 2000s, but later got reapproved after the link to JCV was discovered. Nowadays patients get tested for JCV antibodies every 6 months. The treatment is considered quite safe now, with the caveat that if you test positive you cannot get Tysabri anymore. Most people don’t switch from negative to positive, but it happens occasionally.

Source: my wife has a rare form of MS and has been on Tysabri for about 5 years now, relapse free. Modern MS drugs are a scientific marvel.

Monthly 3-4 day fasts - combined with a healthy diet in between (Mediterranean for ex) do wonders for autoimmune issues as well.

It was found fasting kills off old immune cells and activates stem cells to make new ones.





In plain English



Confirm. My brother is was on Tysabri for more than 5 and recently got confirmation of JCV. The checkup is however more regular. Blood test + MRI + symptoms check every three months, as if done less regularly would increase massively the risk. If JCV flare up is detected they’ll need to flush/wash the Tysabri away from his bloodstream.

He also got a severe mononucleosis infection before being diagnosed, and at that time we all thought that could have been the cause.


I’ve been doing this for a while, and it’s a neat trick. I noticed the same uptick in stackoverflow clones recently as some other commenters here have, and quickly blocked them too via this method.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that the blocking happens client-side, and that these spam results often end up taking up multiple results slots. This means that sometimes you will get an empty or close-to-empty Google results page.

Ideally, I’d like to be able to configure Google itself to never return me results from particular domains instead.

> Keeping the dependency information in a database, which is queried during the resolution process, allows us to choose dependencies using criteria specified by the developer instead of merely importing the latest possible versions, as pip's backtracking algorithm does. You can specify quality criteria depending on the application's traits and environment. For instance, applications deployed to production environments must be secure, so it is important that dependencies do not introduce vulnerabilities. When a data scientist trains a machine learning model in an isolated environment, however, it is acceptable to use dependency versions that are vulnerable but offer a performance gain, thus saving time and resources.

This seems like a really bad idea to me. I could understand and perhaps get behind the idea that you might use something like this to find the optimal version of a package to use in a given project, but unexpected differences between your development environment and production are a common source of outages.

It also requires using a different package manager called Thamos: https://thoth-station.ninja/docs/developers/thamos/. This tool then outputs requirements files compatible with Pipenv, pip, or pip-tools (though notably not Poetry).

That being said, all of the examples and config seems very centered around ML use cases, with the Thamos config accepting settings for OS, cpu, and cuda versions. Is variance in performance between otherwise-compatible versions of ML packages really that big a problem?

ML Engineer: Why does inference for this model take 0.9s per-call?!

Data scientist: I have no idea, inferences take 0.1s on average in my environment?

I jest but I've also lived this experience with data scientists developing an algorithm on Windows with one set of wheels, and the same code being deployed to Linux with a different set of binaries and the whole thing running 10x slower. We fixed it, but it was an unnecessary headache.

When PyTorch fails to load the CUDA runtime for any reason, it falls back to CPU, often silently, and becomes more than 20 times slower on CNN inference. Not sure if this system could avoid it. Debugging that remotely on a user’s system was fun.

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