First of all, thanks to @mooreds to post JobRunr on HackerNews.
Second of all - I read some claims that being in the 'job scheduling' business is easy money. I would like to point out that's not really the case.
With JobRunr being open-source and more successful than I ever could imagine, this brings along a lot of stress. If you make a mistake (which I did in V6) the whole world starts to see it. I also try to keep the amount of open issues really small as these things linger in my head and also give me stress.
Anyway, this to say that I'm now able to provide my family with food but I'm still not break even (meaning if I just had freelanced as before, I would have more money in my bank account).
But, I can now work on something I love.
P.s.: it's indeed LGPL but this is also the case for hibernate. It means you should only open-source if you're touching part of the JobRunr code, not if you just use the lib.
Enjoying the ride for the moment - it's wilder than I thought. I must confess that all the visits on the website via HN gave me quite the adrenaline rush :-).
First of all, thanks to @mooreds to post JobRunr on HackerNews.
Second of all - I read some claims that being in the 'job scheduling' business is easy money. I would like to point out that's not really the case.
With JobRunr being open-source and more successful than I ever could imagine, this brings along a lot of stress. If you make a mistake (which I did in V6) the whole world starts to see it. I also try to keep the amount of open issues really small as these things linger in my head and also give me stress.
Anyway, this to say that I'm now able to provide my family with food but I'm still not break even (meaning if I just had freelanced as before, I would have more money in my bank account).
But, I can now work on something I love.
P.s.: it's indeed LGPL but this is also the case for hibernate. It means you should only open-source if you're touching part of the JobRunr code, not if you just use the lib.
See also