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Most peer-review procedures I know of are actually double blind, so the reviewers do not know the author and vice versa. Only in the final publishing step do you add a name, should be easy enough to use a pseudonym.

There are a few games that use LLMs and voice, they are usually hilariously janky.

Could you name some?

Also Scala

Isn't Rust only used for kernel modules? So no one needs to depend on Rust code if not needed?

That is correct, yes.

i don’t want to learn rust to write a driver.

Then write your driver in C? The claim is that Rust makes it easier to produce high-quality drivers, but nobody's mandating it.

You can have real separate windows in egui. Either running on the same thread or another. See here: https://github.com/emilk/egui/blob/master/examples/multiple_...

To add to the other comment. Game music/soundtracks can be good for that, lots of options there, usually that music is to fill the background and keep someone engaged with the game. I also find LoFi music good for that purpose.

I actually had the Golden Axe theme[0] on repeat for 4 hours and didn't notice =) I also have a feeling it wasn't the full song, but I had clipped it to a shorter length to fit into the space required for a ringtone at the time.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWkT180hNLE

That branch seems to be a prototype.

RISC-V is designed to provide op-code space for custom instructions, so it can be extended for specific tasks.

You should mention that you are the CEO of Mathpix.

It actually doesn't matter. For my cases, I found Mathpix to be much more reliable than Nougat, for example. So, when you have hundreds of documents to convert a year and little time for manual labor on the results, paying a yearly "pro" subscription fee is worth it. However, it will really hit your pocket when you need to prepare datasets from thousands of PDFs... That's what you can't afford without a budget allocation from your project.

While I can see that Mathpix might be the superior choice. What matters to me is that knowing the affiliation of the GP the comment has a very different feel to it.

Mathpix is going to lower price a lot for larger scale pdf processing, stay tuned!

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