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Neither article mentions a "deputy gang". It just talks about ordinary police misconduct and corruption, which happens anywhere. It never mentions corrupt police forming a gang with an identifiable name, emblem, membership, etc – which is something I've never heard of outside of the US.

Agreed this is a prelude to some kind of India-like verified identity scheme.

The Arkansas porn site ID law is now looking like it will become the law of the land with 7 states[1] considering / about to pass very similar laws.

Once these laws are in place they are likely to swiftly be applied to many other domains with social media, and tiktok (due to young users, CCP control) as well as reddit (with their NSFW communities), easy targets as the next platforms mandated to enforce ID verification once the porn industry complies.

Once these 7 states pass these laws it seems politically very difficult to fight against these types of bills in every other state. Being for 'ID-less porn for kids" is likely not a tenable position no matter the political party.

Once this happens (or maybe already happening) Google / FB / MSFT will encourage this as regulatory compliance overhead furthers monopolies / stifles competition due to the burden if places on cash constrained upstarts with low userbases vs cash rich monopolists with vast userbases.

The end game for the United States is ID to use just about anything or at least the majority of apps that people spend their time on (social, video, search, games).

[1] https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/02/seven-states-pus...

> India-like verified identity scheme

What are you even on about?

This applies to owners and is an attempt to redefine 'ownership' of vehicles such that 'ownership' becomes a debt-like instrument entailing a stream of cash flows to Mercedes after you have 'purchased' your vehicle.

You can see the option for yourself here:


It would also apply to leased vehicles but to your point is not nearly as offensive there given you already have car as a service as the underlying model.

More evidence section 230 of the United States Communications Decency Act needs to be either rewritten or clarified such that oligopoly media (FB, T) who wantonly censor or maybe even use _any_ sort of algorithmic amplification are not covered by this provision.

NYT or other activist media are free to ignore / interpret as they see fit.

But the wanton and overtly partisan censorship by the massive amplification engine that is FB/T/G needs to be properly reconciled with the definition of "publisher".

If you control views / engagement and in effect distribution but choose to moderate this channel in accordance with a policy that is over and above what is legally mandated, and aligned with your personal whims, it seems you are in effect a publisher and should be held to the same standard.

In this case as the author points out it is plausible the actions of FB/T/G swung a close election without the obligation to justify, in a court of law, why / how / what / when / where those actions were taken which if in place may have led to a more fair and balanced treatment of the 'laptop from hell' story.

Current law does not seem to account for the massive influence suppression or cancelling of distribution has on the influence of the public. It is an act of speech in effect. Nevermind holding the executives of these companies accountable for personal statements that have the same effect.

Trudeau, like many members of the political class, treat the messiness of democracy as a bug when it is in fact a feature.

The core purpose of liberal democracy, understood by any political science undergrad, is to _limit_ power - the tyranny of the majority, the executive branch etc...

Yet this is poorly understood by a class of individuals who exclusively do politics as a way of earning a living (ex. Trudeau, Liz Truss, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and so on).

Democracy is designed to make their jobs difficult. It is designed to force them to be thoughtful, measured, and generally non-extreme in any direction.

Things like the right to free speech, the freedom to assemble (protest) and the act of civil disobedience are designed to hold elected leaders accountable and ensure healthy checks and balances (ex. emergency powers for... covid! storms! protests!).

Trudeau and his ilk deeply envy China and their 'bug free' implementation of the political class free from a significant number of checks and balances. As such they have embraced the Rahm Emmanuel mantra of "never let a good crisis go to waste" - using any so-called emergency to radically curtail democratic freedoms with an end goal of generally making their diktats more easy to implement.

Think this is an exaggeration?

Any protest in Canada during emergency mandates related to covid was subject to pervasive (on the ground + drone + officer cams) video surveillance, facial recognition, cell phone geofence "warrants" and ultimately a "police contact" file opened with the local law enforcement branch and the CPIC database (shared with all five eyes and used for purposes such as to deny immigration / travel / visas).

The result?

Massive disincentive for the professional class (with something to lose) to engage in protest and a direct limiting of democratic features like the right to freely assemble, protest and engage in civil disobedience.

Meh - they’re being asked to take jabs, wear masks, and be tested. It’s not that deep - we are in a public health crisis. I guess the next set of “protests” will be for people’s freedom to use carbon, against the tyranny of renewable energy. :-/

you say that blithely but it very well might be, as people are asked to forgo their own prosperity and quality of life to maybe help prevent problems that are very far removed from a common person's daily wants and needs

>prevent problems that are very far removed from a common person's daily wants and needs

Right this second on the daily timescale. Tick tock.

China 'bug free' implementation is complete B.S. Only good news (TM) comes out of China but it doesn't mean everything there is going alright. This is because 1. the media is heavily censored and 2. Chinese do not use Twitter/FB/Youtube and as a result do not reach the rest of the world.

Also: China handled the pandemic way better than the West.

Source that China is not bug-free

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jAM3nmNTS4

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43Hot5n2Evg

i recommend you reread the comment you are responding to; i believe you are misunderstanding what the original comment means about governance model being "bug free" for the political / ruling class.

"bug free" in the sense that the leaders of more authoritarian states are much less constrained by strong insitutional safeguards on individual rights, constitutions, etc. and that Trudeau and many politicians in western nations are jealous of their authoritatrian counterpart's ability to run roughshod over their citizenry

And now Quebec, Canada.

Also had a bad experience with their hiring (product role). In my case HR seemed very with it but everything after was awful. CTO particularly seemed disinterested and not sure why he was in the interview. Sr product person was a bad interviewer focused on getting 'the answer' to a Flexport specific case about freight forwarding / drayage that needed lots of domain specific knowledge to solve to her satisfaction. Culture at that time (~2016) seemed really sad. Nobody super excited about the space, their job ("we mostly just go home at night - we don't regularly socialize") or tech. All they seemed to be excited about was infinite TAM / equity appreciation and Ryan (and his dog(s)).

Thank you, will look into that!

Edit: I'm not sure if the page follows this principle (I will find out), but I was hoping for something like that:

For me "Follow the Science" means, that there are always people with very specific knowledge in a medical field, so narrow, that its highly likely that there are maybe 10 comparable people world-wide. Those people I'd call those that "Lead" the thing which we can "follow" just that, they have to come up with clinical trials to even prove their ideas/hunches. And apart from acquiring funding, to get a clinical trial started it may also be hard to find enough trial participants.

Since most of them I suspect would be scientists rather than practicing doctors, there is no incentive / possibility to help directly (if you need 10 more participants to boost the study above the credibility threshold, some of them have to be the placebo ones).

But I guess everyone would be willing to pay such a specialist, let alone a round table of the 10 others of the world, to hear their advice.

Mandatory visitation of a government website still enables the opportunity to fingerprint, data match and warrantless wiretap (ie. FISA).

How long until the only supported browser is Chrome latest and all the anti-privacy features it mandates?

Will NITs be served to all those with a 'high risk' profile?

The border has, after all, repeatedly been shown to be a place in which all rights, citizen or not, are 'suspended'.

Covid has shown that democracy in the western world is exceptionally weak.

Technology enabled authoritarianism is the overwhelming preference of those elected to 'represent the people'.

Let's be honest - if you aren't that intelligent / experienced or hard working it's just easier to govern this way.

Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand) - No life experience whatsoever other than politics - namely activist socialist youth organizations.

Justin Trudeau (Canada) - No life experience whatsoever other than high school drama teacher and scion of a Canadian political dynasty.

Joe Biden (USA) - No life experience outside of politics. Publicly exhibits signs of dementia / tiredness / laziness of thought.

In all if the above cases (3/5 of the '5 eyes' countries' FWIW) the elected leaders are so far below the level of intellect and experience necessary to navigate something as intricate as a pandemic that it is little wonder they just attempt to short circuit democracy / oversight / discourse.

Lockdowns. Mask Mandates. Covid Zero. Papers Please. Apps to cross the border.

The rate at which 'rights' in modern democracies were suspended, in favor of policies which only have precedent in authoritarian states such as China, is breath taking.

This Canadian border story is just another example that democracy is not nearly as robust or populous-centric as it may seem.

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