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A site with a list of other websites isn't going to be worth a million dollars. It won't be worth a thousand dollars.

Google lists other sites but they have a little more kick behind it.

Somebody stop Brian Holt. This guy is a criminal. Has stolen movieforunz and other sites by spamming. He claims to be a professional but its a kid with nothing more then a set of typing skills, and very snake like attitude. Be carefull. Type Brian holt scammer on google and you will find even FBI stuff on Brian. He has been stealing a lot of design, code and peoples privacy for years, no one can find him to shut him down for good. People report this criminal, robber and misery guy ASAP.


If you read the blog, it was released early with only a small portion of the overall idea. I already know exactly how I'm going to make it profitable.


This webpage has a redirect loop.

The webpage at http://socialatomgroup.wufoo.com/embed/m7x3k1/def/embedKey=m... has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

hmm, works for me. when does it redirect upon load OR upon clicking submit? browser details?

I'd recommend making the design a little more "welcoming". It's very bare and plain - makes the site look cheap which reflects on the service. I'd also recommend simplifying the information and features on the home page - try to really get across what your app does, what it will help us do, and why we should use it, as quickly and easily as possible.

Thank you very much, I definitely agree with trying to simplify the information and features on the home page.

I actually had a much different design at first, but it seemed too busy and not clean enough. For the redesign, I went for a much clearer and minimalistic approach. I suppose it's a matter of taste really, can't please everyone :-)

Make sure to be careful with fonts. Currently there are many different colors and fonts. I would try to reduce that. The monospaced typewriter font looks very bad to me, it has that nervous jitter. Makes it look a bit unprofessional to me. Warmer colors would help. I wish I was a designer and able to help, but I can only give this criticism. Take it if it has a use, ignore if you think it does not!

Authorize.net's CIM with custom app for flexible rebilling.

How has that gone? I am looking into a similar setup.

Business Pundits "Top 10 Biz Collaboration Web Tools"


authorize.net's ARB or CIM

it can't be too productive spending your time watching other people be productive..

On the short time it isn't but on the long term it can be. I've spent a few hours reading on version control a few years ago and I've been more productive since then ;)

Drupal should have won. It should win everything.

Drupal can create boring blogs like wordpress...but what about it's power to create something like...umm...a SaaS Business Social Collaborative Application?


100% Drupal Goodness

The interface makes me feel very "uncomfortable" and a little confused. You should consider laying things out a little nice - perhaps side by side?

The logo / menu / page title instantly create some confusion and clutter. The timeline doesn't look too user-friendly either.

I'm just commenting on the interface though, I haven't looked at the functionality too much yet.

Side by side layout sounds interesting; do you mean putting the activities next to the timeline?

So far, this has definitely been "design by developer"; so feedback regarding the interface is most definitely welcomed.

Since you mention that it's been developer designed - Ryan Singer of 37signals gave a really great talk at WindyCityRails on how developers can build better UIs that you might want to check out: http://windycityrails.org/videos#4

Thanks for this, I have it bookmarked now to check out this evening.

Drupal, especially if you have any development experiences or real customization needs. It can be modeled to do anything - yes, I mean anything at all. I've developed some amazing applications using Drupal - not just the typical 'blog' like site that the others generally create. So it depends on your needs. Drupal also has, what I think, is the best community out there - tons and tons of modules, themes, support, customizations, tutorials, etc.

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