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You're using an apple product. When did they ever claim to be secure? Your life is easier, more magical, full of glass, and very fast! Security is... a little bit of whipped cream on top. So enjoy your gestures on that magic touchpad, don't worry about being safe.

(Sorry, I couldn't resist)

Apple doesn't ignore security, they advertise security enhancements in their products:

"Address space layout randomization (ASLR) has been improved for all applications. It is now available for 32-bit apps (as are heap memory protections), making 64-bit and 32-bit applications more resistant to attack."

"Application sandboxing protects the system by limiting the kinds of operations an application can perform, such as opening documents or accessing the network. Sandboxing makes it more difficult for a security threat to take advantage of an issue in a specific application to affect the greater system."

Part of OS X Lion's new features: http://www.apple.com/macosx/whats-new/features.html#security

Erm... I forgot I was in a place where preemptively apologizing for making a joke isn't enough for people to think you're joking.

I would like to point out though, that the text you just copied are pretty much apple's only words on the topic.

To further my joke even more:

Google search for "easy" on apple.com [1] returns 3.3 million results. Google search for "secure" on apple.com [2] returns .5 million results.

On the internet easy returns 3.6 billion results, and secure 1.25 billion. So on the apple site, you would expect easy to show up 3 times as much as secure. In fact, easy shows up over 6 times as much as secure.

This definitely proves apple cares about security only half as much as the rest of the internet does!

I downvoted not because you joked, but because you made patently untrue claims and then backed them up with a very poor methodology. So poor that you can't simultaneously be smart enough to read and understand this site and dumb enough to think it's logical to argue this way.

I conclude, therefore, that you're trolling.

I wasn't talking about the downvotes, that's to be expected. I was talking about the humorless replies :)

If we all acted our IQs, all the time, the world would be a very boring place. It's not responsible to buy myself expensive toys, it's not respectable to be sarcastic. Yet we do it anyway.

Trolling is meant to make people angry, I meant to to get a chortle out of at least somebody... but now I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is not the site for that. Thank you for helping me realize it.

Joking is fine -- as long as you make a point and contribute to the discussion. Throwing out some one-liner about Apple security is not a valuable contribution, and then yes, your jokes weren't funny either.

There's a difference between recognizing a joke, and thinking it's funny.

Let's see how much karma I can lose in one thread.

There's a difference between not thinking a joke is funny, and arguing against it as if it weren't a joke, a la tiles.

Does netcraft confirm that?

checking netcraft is left as an exercise for the reader

Saying that you're no worse than everybody else is not the same as saying you're worth applauding.

If you've only worked with phones, you might have an inflated view of what "Long Term" means. The servers here, for example, run for 5 years between reboots. http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/today/top.avg.html

> Saying that you're no worse than everybody else is not the same as saying you're worth applauding.

I disagree. Apple is bringing smartphone software support out of it's "6 months then give up" cycle. I think that's worth applauding.

> If you've only worked with phones, you might have an inflated view of what "Long Term" means.

Right, I have a warped view of what long term support means because I'm comparing it to other consumer electronics instead of dedicated servers.

I'm sure if you are used to buying cars, seeing your phone's hardware warranty is pretty disappointing too. Expectations are a bitch.

Well, In defense of Facebook nothing about the app works well. It's not like they decided not to use C2DM, they just didn't do anything right.

I think from a programmer standpoint, I'd prefer to deal with the text directly instead of with some abstract space between characters.

I see your point though, it is different. It does take a little getting used to, but if you slowly teach yourself the motions you'll learn it unconsciously.

As for your example, you're running into this problem because you are manually placing your cursor. If you watch someone who uses vim, they almost never use the keys hjkl, or even x. When you type w to get to the next word, or when you search for something, the cursor will be conveniently placed for whatever kind of deletion you plan on doing. x is for deleting one character, if you ever want to delete more, you move to where you want to start, then use a motion and delete. For more precise control enter visual mode and delete. But never hit x three times in a row and stop to think about whether the cursor is going to shift left or right after the first x.

Vim does have a concept of words, sentences, and paragraphs, but that's because it's not a programming editor, it's a text editor. It also has a concept of lines, braces, parens, and angle brackets. That's because programming is a common text editing exercise :)

I'm not a designer, so maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about. But @Aen, you sound like an idiot to me.

On grids. A grid is a fantastic idea for a newspaper, or even for an iPad, where you have large elements which need to all be aligned. However, your eyes are not trained to jump around in pretty pixel increments, your eyes jump to what they want to look at. In other words, fuck "rhythm." When horizontally aligning elements, I am completely for snapping to a grid of sorts, it makes your UI "just look nicer." When aligning vertically, against things that don't exist, you win nothing. (Well, you do win something, but it's something you didn't touch upon, more on that later)

On grid size. By making a "grid" of 4x4 pixels, all you have done is decrease the resolution of the display. Only an OCD programmer would get excited by a declaration that all pixel offsets must be even. In programming, whenever you sit down and design a framework that is too flexible, you have designed a framework which isn't useful. If you complain about "rhythm," you certainly can't suggest a 4px grid, it has no noticeable rhythm.

On why your design looks nicer. I'll say it, a few of your "fixed" screens do look nicer. This is because you have introduced more padding, in the form of 2px increases, to every element. Anybody can make something look nicer by removing information. Of course your examples will look great compared to the real thing, negative space tends to do that. I want you to compare the number of visual elements on either the Likables screens you posted, with the number of visual elements on the playlist view.

You'll notice that if you replace the word "rhythm" in the OP with "grid" the whole thing sounds a lot less sexy and hence a lot less interesting.

I'd say fuck rhythm too if I'm not a designer. But I am and it's my job to look at things others don't look at. You can look at a 4-pixel rhythm as 8-pixel, 16-pixel or 32-pixel. 4 is just the lowest basic unit.

Maybe I'm wrong but right or wrong isn't the point. Making people think and talk about something is.

"I hope once Lik­ables and Denso goes live they will be proof for the production-worthiness of the 4-pixel rhythm. I also hope that Apple will see this and per­haps recon­sider the visual pro­por­tions of UI in future iOS versions." doesn't match what you just said ;)

What I'm saying is that "You can look at a 4-pixel rhythm as 8-pixel, 16-pixel or 32-pixel. 4 is just the lowest basic unit" doesn't improve upon our situation. The lowest basic unit is called a pixel. Grids make everything look consistent; but when the only requirement is that you snap to 4-pixels, things aren't going to look consistent, because you have far too much flexibility.

If I ever have a site which posts content, or if I ever finally make a blog, the first thing I will do is turn off the comments. If you want to talk to me, you can email me, or write your own post in response.

Isn't it easier to just resize your browser window?

no. i resize with sizeup (macosx) and the right frame with all the control elements is just a tad too big (in height) than half of my screen. i would have to resize with my mouse which - plain and simple - sucks.

I don't know much about either piece of software. But what made you decide to buy sizeup instead of moom? http://manytricks.com/moom/

sizeup works great, i evaluated moom for only a very short period of time (their trial period is too short IMO).

i have been using sizeup for a long time now, started using it when moom wasn't all that powerful. i think nowadays i would go with moom and customize everything. on the other hand, sizeup does everything i need except for shrinking/growing a window and is extraordinarily stable.

disclaimer: i use Witch => I have nothing against Many Tricks.

Slightly unrelated, but why does everybody insist on calling it vi(m)? I have never seen a box that used vi in lieu of vim, it seems to be a historical artifact.

Calling it vi is probably used here to mean anything that acts somewhat like the original vi. There are quite a few editors like that, and vim is probably the most common.

> I have never seen a box that used vi in lieu of vim

I'm going to guess that you mostly use Linux boxes? The BSDs use nvi, which works and act like the old Berkeley CSRG vi. If you look at more esoteric systems like Solaris, AIX, etc. , you're likely to find varying versions of vi (disclaimer: I do not know the situation in Solaris or AIX. They are simply examples of esoteric systems—I'd love to be corrected if you do know).

I would not, however, recommend using anything but vim for development. nvi has its place a small text editor to get your config files in place, and vim has its place as a large programmer's text editor.

Yeah I've only ever dealt with Linux, that would make sense that it exists on other OSs.

If you use any Posix environment asside from Linux, you'll find Vi installed by default but not Vim. This includes the BSDs, Solaris, and AIX in my experience. So vanilla Vi still gets use.

I think by now the terms vi and vim are all but interchangeable, except in a context where you specifically mean plain old Bill Joy vi.

On some systems vi is aliased to vim, so you would appear to have both, but you really just have vi. Even on systems where full vim is not installed, the "vi" installed is cut down vim.

I worked in Centos for awhile and vi was aliased to vim, but that might have been a local practice.

It's an interesting point. Mentally, I think of vi as meaning "a member of the set of vien" (from "emacsen").

Also, I never type that extra "m" so why should I say it?

A couple boxes I SSH'd into today only had vi. vim is not always included in the standard $OS install.

vi is still around, but it lacks the plugin architecture of vim. So it's highly doubtful that anyone would find it usable for writing code anyway.

In the mean time, be sure to enable two-factor authentication on your account. I'll admit it's not much solace as usually the second factor uses your phone...

Is that a Catch-22?

No, because

- the password you store on the phone (in cleartext) is not the real account password, it's a string for this device only and you can revoke access at any time

- Someone should not be able to use your phone (via call/text message) as unlock device, unless you lost it

- In that case you should lock the SIM for for a multitude of reasons anyway - and you'll get a new SIM that you can use to recover your account

I think the first one is the most important though: You just don't have to store your real password.

Since I'm wary of clicking random FB buttons, would you mind explaining what this is?

It looks to be a quickly-hacked together interface for making Facebook user lists with the Circle interface.

Sorry, I forgot I'd already authorized it. It's the circles UI for Facebook friend lists. Three FB engineers put it together the night Google+ launched.

Thanks, it looks cool.

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