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There was an unintentional fork on August 15, 2010, when "[an] attacker exploited [an] integer overflow bug that permitted an attacker to create several billion bitcoins". [source][0]

There was an unintentional fork on March 12, 2013 caused by previously disallowed number of tx inputs (?) as resolved by [BIP50][1].

[0]: https://blog.blockchain.com/2016/02/26/a-brief-history-of-bi... [1]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0050.mediawi...

The first one was reorg'd out of the chain. It was a soft-fork, just deployed in response to something rather than in anticipation.

Likewise in the second case, where there was a temporary soft-fork put in place to limit the block size so as to not run afoul of the bug, which itself wasn't a hard-fork or a soft-fork but rather a probabilistic failure to achieve consensus under transient circumstances.

UI suggestion: Instead of showing a list of things, just put them on the map

> Instead of

As well as

I can copy paste the list but I can't copy paste the map. For anybody who isn't focused on their immediate personal life a list is often more useful.

Good suggestion. It's on my TODO list.

I 2nd this suggestion. I want to browse by map. Even a way to draw a box around the map and then have the list filtered by lat/long would be a huge improvement IMO.

Great work thou! Thanks!

love the idea of building a geobox for filtering. I'll look into it. thanks for the feedback.

There are a few projects working on this. One problem is key management and giving the app a connection to the blockchain. If you do key management in the webapp and read from the blockchain via a centralized API, thats not much of an improvement over existing systems. Ethereum core's solution to this is a special browser, but it is still under development. I'm working on a project[0] that takes this on, but is still a couple months out from a public beta. Its a bit of a hack but it manages a zero-install solution by having a sort of browser-in-browser that intercepts transaction signing requests and provides access to blockchain data. Can't wait to get it out there.

[0]: https://metamask.io/

Gitlab as id/auth provider, eh? What is out there in terms of id/auth appliances that are sufficiently generic/cross-platform?

The Mattermost implementation is based on OAuth, so any OAuth provider will work. GitLab itself supports LDAP, OAuth, Kerberos and SAML.

names are hard, but i implore you to continue your search

so are you guys like an incubator for decentralized apps?

Hi Nullz, We have multiple mutually beneficial relationships. Accelerator/Incubator, Merger & Acquisition, Joint Venture are a few of the type of our relationships.

thats what it seems like. could be cool

here's a JS implementation of Bret Victor's "Learnable Programming" demo http://www.fullstack.io/choc/

Colored coins are a clever hack. Newer blockchains like Ethereum[0] are designed to have yet-unthought-of things built on top of them.

0. https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/White-Paper

It doesn't in v8 -- what do you mean by `should`?

It's an implementation error. In Firefox, it correctly throws:

> ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `a' before initialization

No, legacy const is not spec'd by ES5. It behaves differently in FireFox and V8 because it was added at different times with different semantics in the live range hole case. In strict mode, it will throw on V8 as well.

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