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Not sure this is the case, amz data centres to other amz data centres in most cases you go across ntt, Tata etc. Google on the other hand is different e.g. Taiwan to Ireland all google network. Spin up vms and traceroute

Careful: lack of middle hops in a traceroute isn't necessarily sign that there are no transit providers. Many times a carrier/enterprise may rent overlay (i.e., MPLS) transport capacity which won't appear in your traceroute.

Although, in Google's specific case, you are probably right and this does not apply.

Could be worse, can't see a new keyword yet

sigh, predictably, there are a few: LTS, FTS, train.

What's the story with fsproj ?

Same company same standards?

Yeah over the years they have had some major WTFs. Most recently one of their email clusters supporting thousands of customers went out for 9 days. http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1588201

I'd take the article with a pinch of salt, they admit they haven't got anywhere near capacity yet, and it doesn't seem like they'd done any real load testing before "final layout". They could easily go the way of most low end VPS providers, day one benchmarks look great and then a few months later when the node fills out and people start using it performances sinks with no lower bound to be seen anywhere.

Add this one, their US-East-1 cloud zone has been down for 24 hours now. My instances are in limbo where no option to just move them to another zone.


I think Amazon will use the data. USPS operator probably fills in a paper form, it get stamps and then it get filled never to be used in any meaningful way again.

Disagree, I don't follow people who "post shit", I follow a few hundred people in the tech space (developers, devops, VCs, CTOs etc..) that I think are interesting (and dont post shit) and thus my twitter feed has very little overall shit. You curate your own feed based on who you follow, if you don't want to listen to whiney SJWs, or people twisting every word of Hillary or Trump then don't follow them (or unfollow them)..

You're missing the point. The mode of operation is defined in the BIOS, and these parts have been deliberately disabled. Whilst in theory it's true that Debian could potentially release a version in the future at present due to delibrate crippling in the BIOS (changed firmware to disable features) one can not even workaround this.

Acer used to do something somewhat similar on some Aspire models (disabling option to enable Vx at BIOS) so using VirtualBox was a no starting, but with some creativity and long winded efi vars mounting and fiddling you could get it working or break your system, not soldering though :)

I'd be interested to see how it pans out Lenovo community admins are worse than Acer community. At least with Dell I find a few engineer on Twitter and ping them..

Disabling the vx toggle in the bios bit me a couple times... it's just weird that a vendor would do that in the first place. Fortunately, at home I've always built my own, but laptops are so much more limited in terms of freedom.

A fews things I wanted out of CouchDB years back: - faster bulk indexing - space reduction, I think a simple couchdb to psql json was 1/10th of size - ES6 or even ES5 - * its been a few years since I last looked but I remember you had to tread carefully - Object.keys maybe was one?

When I started with CouchDB it wrong choice for so many reasons, client had <30gb of data, couchdb was cooler than node.js, and I was frustrated with SQL Server. In hindsight sticking with SQL Server or Postgresql would of been better - older/wiser today.

> - faster bulk indexing

With clustering you now get that. By way of “oversharding” even on a single node. Speed up is linear with number of shards / CPUs

> - space reduction,

2.0 has the better compaction format. There are still ways to improve, but we are getting there.

> - ES6 or even ES5

Our custom wrapper around Spidermonkey 185 is getting long in the tooth. It didn’t make it into 2.0, but we are well aware that this needs updating.

Anyway, sounds like we got there in the end ;)

Classic NoSQL adopter bantz.

We also need to consider left handed people are equally and fairly represented, for too long the privileged and dominating right handies have over-run these conferences.

Dont't forget a diverse mix of opinions, religious or political beliefs! Like more conservatives, religious folk or people with controversial viewpoints not currently represented!

Oh wait. The people wanting this stuff only care about diversity of appearance, not diversity of thought.

Yes, some ISIS should definitely be on the speaker list.. It would have to be a meta talk as their aren't too many javascript experts in this unrepresented community.

Can't forget the left hand vegan aesthists as well. I hope they're being represented at this conference as well.

I'm gluten free. Am I to believe there are no gluten free options available at the conference?!

In response to your concerns we took a closer look at our speakers' dietary preferences.. I have good news..

In addition to adding 3 new gluten-free keynote speakers (To be announced) we removed a speaker that does not align with our mission of equally representing gluten-free.

This a community conference to support collaboration among developers with different dietary preferences and we want ALL developers to feel comfortable with the dietary preferences of all our speakers particularly our keynoters.

I apologise this action took 4.1 minutes to cement.We had to formulate the tweets first..

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