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To be fair, the RoC agrees completely with Xi Jinping.

They just disagree on who should run the reunified nation.

That's not accurate. My understanding is the KMT agrees, and DDP doesn't (specifically: 1992 consensus), and the fact that the population opinion has been shifting towards independence is the primary tension currently.

At any rate, summing it up as "the RoC agrees" would seem to simplify a cultural argument along the lines of "the US agrees completely that guns are good".

For example: https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3151551/tsai-in...

> In response to Xi’s speech, Taiwan’s presidential office said most Taiwanese reject that model and argued that developments in Hong Kong show how “one country, two systems” can turn on a dime.

> On Sunday, at an event marking the same revolution, Tsai called on the Taiwanese people to renew their commitment “that the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China should not be subordinate to each other.


Tsai has not made this one country position part of her administration, and her speech a couple of days ago made that even more explicit.

That’s only their official position and they can’t change it because that’s one of the PRC red lines. They consider Taiwan dropping their claim on the mainland as a change in the status quo and a casus belli. Everyone know the RoC doesn’t aspire to a reunited China anymore.

So, officially, they agree with Xi Jinping.

They say what the PRC forces them to say but de facto don’t believe in it. It’s a complete misrepresentation to argue that Taiwan agree with China regarding reunification but with reversed roles.

Taiwan is a democracy and a majority of Taiwanese want independence but argue for keeping the status quo in order to avoid a war (both the KMT and the DDP - their disagreement is more technical than that). Some wanted Taiwan to declare it in the 90s to force the hand of the USA and win a decisive war but this position seems more precarious nowadays.

No, its not. If I point a gun to your head, and tell you that I am going to shoot you, if you do not "agree" that the moon is made of cheese, you are not actually "agreeing".

We both know, that you do not agree that the moon is made of cheese, in this situation. I have just made words come out of your mouth, to something that you do not agree with.

To say that they "agree" is just a silly word game, that does not reflect the truth of the matter, and instead is playing into propaganda that denies the reality that Taiwan is already a country, and is already independent of china, and that Taiwan is not interesting in being taken over, or taking over china.

Nice goalpost move from "completely" to "officially" (under duress).

What?! One country two system is definitely not something ROC agrees with.

The developer was likely worried about getting "a letter".

It's a bit of both.

What's the second act?

The first devaluation is just a political move. Just to test the waters - will the Americans go crazy about them devaluing. In the second act, they will say - hey, this 1.5% didn't work. Look our industrial production is still falling. We have to adjust to market forces and devalue more. Then comes the 20% or so devaluation. But look, the Yuan has appreciated around 8% the last 5 years, so it will only be a relatively small devaluation. That will be the argument.

And the strengthening dollar will force more QE or/and negative interests rate and basically a currency war...

Better screengrab it before it disappears.

It won't disappear. I hate broken links.

This was posted 5 days ago...

Scale is the difference.

Exactly! How dare people try and improve Linux when they could use something else instead!

He doesn't make very strong arguments ("the numbers are hard to get, I don't have any"). In my mind I see myself falling to the ground and smashing my head on the ground. I'd like to avoid that if possible. Is he saying thinner/better helmets are needed to avoid neck injuries?

If it's about to fail, have a replacement ready.

It's not like an Amiga 3000 or 4000 is that expensive anyway.

And, probably, they could run their software under an emulator, on any US$200 desktop PC.

It's not just the software. They're controlling these systems via radios that operate on the same frequencies as other radios in use. It's (at this point) clumsy and error prone. To be fair, they probably saved the tax payers a lot of money by using this system for as long as they have.

> To be fair, they probably saved the tax payers a lot of money by using this system for as long as they have.

Indeed. The major annoyance I see is the radios interfering with each other. The centralized control architecture is also something I'd like to change. Each building does not require anything much smarter than an Arduino to be completely standalone and, if you want to be fancy, an RPi to send collected data to a centralized location.

Another viable approach could be to setup Amiga emulators on old/discarded PCs and repurpose the existing software using wired instead of wireless connections.

The 2M number is probably a major overhaul of every part of the system. Utility bills alone will probably more than cover the difference.

I suggested a US$ 200 PC because many of those have no moving parts and more storage space than any Amiga ever dreamed of. They should be able to easily last 30 years or more.

Please can you pre-announce when you change something next time, you have cost me enough downtime over the last 12 months :)

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