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It is deployed on Vercel, weird!

perhaps you are missing the redirect to www?

Looks fine to me. (It should be redirecting http to https)

GET / HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: - Host: makemeepic.app Accept: /

HTTP/1.0 308 Permanent Redirect Content-Type: text/plain Location: https://makemeepic.app/ Refresh: 0;url=https://makemeepic.app/ server: Vercel

It is automatic with Vercel, I just tried and it works for me. Maybe your config or your browser? I don't know.

I use it on all my projects.

https://argos-ci.com makes it easy!

Styled Components is a CSS in JS library. It generates classes from your CSS and inject them into components. This is much more complicated than adding a `<style />` tag in your component!

Why is this better than a style tag?

What’s the purpose/benefit of generating classes from CSS versus just using CSS?

Couldn’t I just inject a CSS string into a component and put that string into a style tag?

I will not explain all advantages of CSS in JS. You can find a lot of articles on the subject. An example https://hackernoon.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-css-in-js-...

The core premise for CSS in JS is solved by backticked strings in style tags as shown above.

The backticked string style tag shown above already solves all the issues with CSS limitations in reactjs.

Here’s what the article you linked to says:

“Why does this matter? Not all CSS features can be aliased with JavaScript event handlers , many pseudo selectors (like :disabled, :before, :nth-child) aren’t possible, styling the html and body tags isn’t supported etc. With CSS-in-JS, you have all the power of CSS at your fingertips. Since actual CSS is generated, you can use every media query and pseudo selector you can think of. Some libraries (like jss, styled-components) even add support for neat, non-CSS-native features like nesting!”

All addressed by backticked strings in style tags.

The core premise for CSS in JS is to work around CSS's global namespace. It means you can write styles for a component using a 'local namespace' and have to worry a lot less about accidentally affecting the styles of other parts of your site. Every other language has scoping, so why can't CSS?

This is especially helpful as your site and team scales - you don't need to worry as much about stepping on other people's toes, nor do you need to be as aware of the entire (styling) scope of your website. When you do share/cascade/compose/extend styles, it makes it a lot more explicit in the way you do it.

It's basically taking a concept like BEM and baking it into the language, reducing the mental overhead.

Your solution will pollute the CSS namespace.

Can you explain what it means to pollute the CSS namespace and why it matters?

Are you sure you are correct or are you just guessing?

Just stop being so confrontational. Styled-components enable you to use SASS, not having have to invent any classNames or worry about them conflicting, enables you to easily extend those styles and gives you the ability to mix code with your styles in kinda effortless way. Okay granted that mixing code is not as clean as I'd like it to be but still I haven't found a better option

You name a class ".button" and it will conflict with completely unrelated component's style tags which also have a class named ".button". You don't have this problem with CSS-in-JS. You isolate the styles completely.

Smooth UI is not better than other libraries like Material UI or Ant UI but the focus is different. Smooth UI put the focus on developer experience, extending a style is very simple. Also it exposes some classes, you don't have to learn any API to extend components, you can simply inspect components and use the classes!

An example of extend: https://codesandbox.io/s/7k8o4x7lj6

Writing !important to something I extend is not what I'd expect, it feels like a hack.

Looks like the example uses that because it would otherwise be overridden by the variant=primary (which seems to be the default) so explicitly overriding that variant would probably be more intuitive and not require the !important hack.

I did not dig into that, but I would expect some intuitive solution if they mention developer experience.

Transition all is evil, thanks for spotting the bug. https://github.com/smooth-code/smooth-ui/issues/8

In fact, components like Radios and Checkboxes are very complex to create. So we use Smooth UI as a base, but it is intentionally very light (no big components).

About TypeScript, I am sorry, I am not a TypeScript user. TypeScript support would be awesome but I need some help on this!

Radio buttons and checkboxes are complex to create? What? Am I missing something here?

They're easy to create with HTML, but complex to create with React. This makes it easy again.

> Radios and Checkboxes are very complex to create

where's that complexity?

It's like a few lines of CSS and folks in our coding bootcamp can do it after watching a YT video.

I think he means making the checkbox components reactive and extendable in React.js.

That's not an easy thing to do.

Not sure why not. And what would you want to extend on a checkbox? It's a boolean switch.

At times I have wanted a tri-state checkbox, as well as a quantum checkbox. To each his own I guess.

set it to display:none and toggle state on mousemove => Schrödinger's checkbox :)

Extendable for CSS purposes.

The real game changer in Smooth UI is the way to extend components. This is a CodeSandbox example, feel free to play with it! https://codesandbox.io/s/7k8o4x7lj6

Try deploying just with grunt and you will see the difference.

The grunt-aws module makes deploying to S3 and cloudfront a breeze. We switched to this for all our FE devs awhile ago and it's been painless.


Shipit can run local and SSH commands easily on a group of servers, there is also a set of tasks ready for deployment.

So it's like a javascript version of fabric?

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