Thanks Kevan, the work of Docker UI was legendary, however, as you pointed out, development slowed. We initially built portainer for our own internal use (as the UI for, but liked it so much, we decided to focus on it. We are now wanting to add substantially more capability so that it becomes truly production ready. There will be a select few paid add-on's in the future for things like AD authentication, multi-tenancy etc, but the core will always be opensource and free.
We are adding "tasks or jobs" in Feb/March timeframe, which will allow you to schedule any portainer task (such as scaling up or down a service). Swarmmode really does make service discovery a lot simpler, no need for Consul etc.
That's great to hear, I hope the best for the project! I meant 'scheduling' in the cluster management sense (which containers run in which nodes), though.
We are adding support for compose YAML files in the Feb/March timeframe.. you will simply upload a yaml file, which portainer will then use to create containers/services
Such as? Let us know what we are missing, and we can look at adding it.. remember tho, we are not trying to be a replacement for Swarm, we believe swarm service orchestration to be a winner, so are supporting that (as opposed to rancher, kuber etc who have their own cluster solution).
We wanted portainer to mask the underlying complexity of Docker, without totally removing the functions that is making Docker legendary. Its a balancing act between hiding and removing compexity, but thats what makes UX design.
We used DockerUI as our initial inspiration and codebase, but have added so many more features, and make it so much cleaner... If you are using DockerUI, then switching to portainer should be an easy choice