I've been building web, desktop and mobile applications for the last 6 years. In 2015 I partially switched to data science: big data, nlp, machine learning, etc and this has become one more area I'm interested in.
I don't just do programming. Rather I solve your problem choosing the most appropriate tool and technology. I'm up for fixed-price jobs as well as permanent or long-term remote ones which are more preferable.
My average hourly rate is $30, but it might vary depending on the volume of work you have.
When emailing me, please provide the details of what you need to implement, your approximate budget and deadline.
I've been building web, desktop and mobile applications for the last 6 years. In 2015 I partially switched to data science: big data, nlp, machine learning, etc and this has become one more area I'm interested in.
I don't just do programming. Rather I solve your problem choosing the most appropriate tool and technology.
I'm up for fixed-price jobs as well as permanent or long-term remote ones which are more preferable.
My average hourly rate is $30, but it might vary depending on the volume of work you have.
When emailing me, please provide the details of what you need to implement, your approximate budget and deadline.
I've been building web, desktop and mobile applications for the last 6 years. In 2015 I partially switched to data science: big data, nlp, machine learning, etc and this has become one more area I'm interested in.
I don't just do programming. Rather I solve your problem choosing the most appropriate tool and technology.
I'm up for fixed-price jobs as well as permanent or long-term remote ones which are more preferable.
My average hourly rate is $30, but it might vary depending on the volume of work you have.
When emailing me, please provide the details of what you need to implement, your approximate budget and time estimate.
You can, just not everyone has access or the ability to write server-side code. For instance if you used Wix, Squarespace, some generic website builder you often have no access to the underlying server-side code.
Perl 5 has an extremely mature, diverse, and vetted ecosystem, with 20+ years of Perl 5 code out in the wild that people use, maintain, and continually develop.
Perl 6 does not. It will hopefully one day, but come Christmas time, we're not all going to just drop Perl 5 and start coding Perl 6 exclusively. They're Sister languages; Perl 6 does not deprecate Perl 5.
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes (Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore or USA)
Technologies: /primary/ Ruby, Python, Scala, Clojure, C#, Rust; /secondary/ Perl 6, Java, Haskell, C, SQL, JavaScript, R;
Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Pob7RHSGg-EL7lS7i_1f3Ev...
Email: me (at) gildedhonour dot com or gilded.honour (atttt) gmail
I'm Alex. I've been building web, desktop and mobile applications for the last 6 years.
In 2015 I partially switched to data science: big data, nlp, machine learning, etc and it's become one more area I'm interested in.
I'm up for freelance (preferably, big and long-term contracts) jobs as well as remote ones.
Github: https://github.com/GildedHonour
Web-site: http://www.gildedhonour.com
Blog: http://www.alexmaslakov.com