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I was kinda expecting a reference to https://blog.transitapp.com/how-we-built-the-worlds-pretties... but I didn't find any while skimming it, even though the content seems to be very similar

A 2018 paper by the same authors [0] (referenced in this work) references an earlier blog post by the transitapp people on Medium, but the link is no longer working.

> One approach that seems to use a model similar to ours was described by Anton Dubreau in a blog post

[0] https://ad-publications.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/ACM_effic...

There is also Hedgedoc, which seems to be another fork of the original hackmd (https://hedgedoc.org/history/)

> add support for a "max fan speed" slider somewhere prominent in the Windows UI.

Isn't that what the "power settings" do? It's a slider at the bottom right, hidden in a tray icon. Sure, it only has three positions and also influences battery consumption but it pretty much does what you want. (Not sure if windows 11 kept this though)

But but but... Google is so secure! We can trust them to safekeep the data they collect about us! Pinky swear!

So the AI-generated Recruiter Spam I have to deal with comes because "I" pressed a button?

I'm not that surprised by the findings. Someone has to deal with the generated crap people produce, and usually they don't get to decide.

If you get big enough to be an "infrastructure" then yes, you did it (congrats!), but you are so important that your company should have some democratic controls on it. Take it as a badge of honor!

fine, pair the parts, but also: let the owners unpair them, same as you can lock/unlock your phone. Voila! both repairability and anti-theft gained!

Pairing is just anti-repair atm.

if you want to know how: put the part ids (which are used for pairing) into the apple id account and verify them when switching on the phone.

just noticed: re-pair-ability is basically all we want (pun intended)

Isn't radicle then the easy way to argue that participants actually distribute the program themselves, including an easily trackable IP, so lawyers can just add a client themselves and then sue all IPs that transfer a byte of the (illegal) program?

The same happens to media sharing via bittorrent in germany right now. Having some site which gets closed instead seems to be preferable to me.

Of course copyright infringement is different from whatever emulators are doing but I imagine the effect might be the same

It's pretty easy to safely get away with piracy with a VPN. In most countries even that isn't required. I'd imagine it's the same here.

Of course the goal for the lawyers then is different, it's just extracting money instead of preventing distribution

Good luck getting that through the court.

I guess they could just send people threatening letters - but even getting the ISPs to play along would be an uphill battle.

Germany is a special case as it's particularly bureaucratic and dominated by establishment interests. And even then it's only commonplace for Bittorrent because GEMA, etc. pushed to make that possible.

I mean, "unlocked" iPhones can be worth more money than regular ones, at least in theory. In practice, Apple can probably raise prices by 50% even if they would release the same phone just with an incremented number and people will still buy their stuff.

I’m not sure the DMA works like that. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but as far as I understand the DMA applies to Apple’s operations in the EU, not devices that are sold in the EU. If you buy a “locked” iPhone outside the EU and bring it to the EU and set it up in the EU, I believe that Apple still has to comply with the DMA for that device because all of Apple’s services are still operating in the EU. So Apple wouldn’t be able to charge a premium for “unlocked” devices.

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