Palm oil is not sustainable, period. It’s either being grown on plantations where forest used to be or more plantations are being cut out of the jungle to meet growing demand.
As a person managing projects and also contributing as an IC, having a manager stand between me and my team’s PM was absolutely counterproductive. I know where they were coming from - it would have been great had I not been managing individual projects and needing feedback from the PM in a cyclic way on my technical designs before they were split into work items for my team. It’s incredibly hard to do something requiring good communication if you’re playing telephone.
Via routing, pin placement, optimizing logic, and probably a couple other hardware problems that are also nondeterministic and not coming to mind right now.
Oftentimes the lowest paid workers end up working the days everyone else has off. Heaven forbid the Walmart or the Kohl’s be closed on any holiday but basically Christmas Day.
Nuclear power can save the world if we can prevent any more Fukushimas. It requires so much more responsibility than wind or solar seem to on the part of plant operators.
Used to hate Ruby, then I picked it up for a side project. I wouldn’t exactly write a compiler in it, but it’s great for small scripting tasks that don’t need to be fast. I’m still not entirely sure why people do so much with it, but it’s much more friendly than bash scripts for doing many of the same small tasks.
I ended up successfully replacing Facebook with a combination of group text and group LINE message to talk to friends and family,whether they live near me or no. I don’t miss it.