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Can't store tabs or newlines, odd choice.

Reading quick, it's because the tab is used to indicate nested tabular data in a column. I wonder why not just have a zsv in the zsv?

yeah, this is a limitation from the TSV format this is based on - there is an extension to the format that supports storing binary blobs - ref: https://github.com/Hafthor/zsvutil?tab=readme-ov-file#nested...

(Offtopic, but just FYI) it's tenet (principle) not tenant (building resident).

doh. fixed. thanks!

Basically it's the same limitations as CSV.

At least you could use something less likely to appear in data as record sepator (like 0x1E)

Otherwise it's an interesting idea!

0x1E is the record separator, in ASCII precisely for this purpose. Too bad it’s not popular, here we’re stuck with inferior TSV/CSV

I can't easily type that out - and once the format can't be read / editing in a simple text editor, I'm starting to lean towards a nice binary format like protobuf.

Strings can contain 0x1E, so it has exactly the same issues as a tab character but with all the downsides of it not being an easy, “simple” character.

As far as I know, thanks to quoting it is possible to put basically any data you want in a CSV.

The problem is there is no uniform standard for quoting and escaping in CSV, and different software uses different variants.

There is a standard, and it is very simple and easy to use.

Different software uses different variants because we're not allowed to have nice things and devs are too lazy to use something slightly more complicated than .split(',')

Though if you're going to ban some common characters anyway like TSV, you might as well use CSV and ban commas, newlines, and quotation marks.

can't you just do quoting?


> Any escaping or encoding of these characters would make the format less human-readable, harder to parse and could introduce ambiguity and consistency problems.

Found the wording of "could introduce ambiguity and consistency problems" a bit odd, but guess they mean that even if things are specified precisely (so there's no ambiguity) not everyone would follow the rules or something? And they want to play nice with other tools following the TSV "standard"

Please. I wrote a csv parser a couple weeks ago in an hour or two. It's not that hard to handle the quoting and edge cases. Yes, maybe different parsers will handle them differently, but just document your choices and that's that. How is ambiguity better than completely disallowing certain chars? That's a non-starter

If you could pipe the ripgrep output into an editor, make changes, and have them applied, that would be great. Once you get all the text you want to change in one buffer, it should be easy to make repetitive changes quickly in your editor of choice.

I think you can. You pipe to `vim`, and it will open a buffer with the contents. I am not sure if it will pipe out, though.

Edit: I've now tried it myself with `rep`.

It's not automatic, unfortunately. You can use `vipe` (part of moreutils on my machine) to pipe into vim (or any `$EDITOR`) and to pipe the result out.

However, `rep` wants a pager. If you run `vim` with `rep` at the end of the pipeline, everything gets garbled because `rep` (well, the pager) is the one taking key presses.

To get around this, you can pipe `rep` to something else. I piped it to `cat -`, which forced it into outputting to `stdout`.

So my final command looked like this:

    rg --no-heading --with-filename --line-number "\bstatic inline\b" include/ src/ tests/ \
        | vipe | rep inline y_cinline | cat -
Make sure your `$EDITOR` variable is set correctly for `vipe`.

Anyway, I'm going to add a PR to `rep` to add a command-line flag to output to stdout without a pipe. If it is accepted, that should help.

The author talks as if this isn't documented... https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/privacy/whitepaper.htm...

> Additionally, a subset of low entropy variations are included in network requests sent to Google. The combined state of these variations is non-identifying, since it is based on a 13-bit low entropy value (see above).

Author doesn't actually know what this information is being used for. Sure there can be a discussion about whether this information should be recorded at all (say, to determine if your site doesn't work on certain hardware), but claiming it _is_ fingerprinting is baseless.

Thanks, the video link in the pdf doesn't work, but the one here does: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9SX5ANPyMzTNWgtMzdq...

Does it say they can't nag users relentlessly until they click 'accept'?

Lack of MRU tab switching and preview tabs are two reasons I haven't switched from sublime. Glad they are listening to requests.

Dude read the change log, this is explicitly added in the new 1.7 beta.

I believe he knows that, was acknowledging that those issues were blockers in the past, and complimented the devs for listening to requests like his.

> [](a,b){ ... }

Is valid if a and b are types.

Yeah, I guess that's where the committee is hesitant to deduce parameters without the auto qualifier.

> It probably also helps that extending Atom is much more approachable given that it's all Javascript...

I've heard this said before, I've had the opposite experience. ST offers a small api and it was easy for me to make something work with a single .py file. I gave up trying the same thing in Atom; the api is larger and lower-level. Admission: I don't know coffeescript.

ST of course isn't nearly as flexible, there are many things you just can't do.

What are the things you can't do with ST? You can actually use the C bindings of python and do anything C can do... which is pretty much anything.

It's not about the limits of the language but the limits of the ST API itself. However, given Will Bond's background, this might just change for the better now that he's officially working for ST, so this is good news for all ST users obviously.

No high ranking USG official should be using insecure communication channels, as it will inevitably lead to leaks that could damage the state (secret information).

What Clinton did was dumb, but no one should have sent her classified emails in the first place. If the people sending the 'classified' documents were doing it through the right channels, it wouldn't be getting to her email server.

From a human rights, civil rights, universal rights, and transparency perspective all USG communications, and communications of all government officials everywhere should be public knowledge available to anyone on the planet at any time. At the end of the day what we find is how much all of these people conspire behind each other's backs to screw each other over and get the upper hand.

If citizens are not allowed to do this for fear of damaging society and government, politicians should be held to the same standards. For fear of damaging human rights of non-citizens, their livelihoods, economies of other countries, etc.

It's funny how government does not trust anyone below them, and yet expects everyone below to trust them when we know that they do not do the right thing most of the time (tm).

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