If you're trying to replace find, please add something equivalent to find's -print0/-ls to feed it's output into xargs. Otherwise it may not work correctly on unusually named files (not that I've tried it yet).
I really like the hearty amount of configurability they make available thru the control panels. They're not afraid of giving you a lot of options, yet it's organized well, easy to use, and the defaults are sensible.
You can also use the outlook COM API and extract the data from the running outlook instance [1]. See [2] for a python example that extracts a '.ics' file.
The keepassxc CLI reopens the database separately; it's actually possible to use git-credential-keepassxc† to do the scripting instead because it acts more like a browser (so it interacts with the already running instance of KeepassXC).
commit.verbose true
This adds the whole commit diff in the text editor where you’re writing your commit message, to help you remember what you were doing.
EDIT: seems to be a similar issue with fselect: https://github.com/jhspetersson/fselect/issues/150