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Just curious, why did you pick ruby over python? Personal familiarity?

Sure, familiarity matters. But I believe in the rational reasons that brought me back to this tool over and over, until I built familiarity indeed :) I posted an overbloated discussion on it on Reddit, feel free to read as little as you need ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/8p1o8d/r_p...

It's particularly interesting that they've chosen to wrap Python using Pycall. I'd love to hear about the tradeoffs of that.

Sure! It's quite simple: works like a charm. Completely transparent. You `import` with Python-like syntax, and you get a Ruby object that transparently forwards any message (i.e. method calls) to the corresponding Python object on the underlying Python interpreter.

This means that Ruby does not need to know _anything_ about the Python object: whatever you call on the Ruby object is just forwarded to the Python one, and whatever result is passed back to Ruby.

About the overhead, I sincerely do not know; I expected to have some so my code does part of the image pre-processing directly in Python (`narray`) in order to pass a smaller object to Ruby, but besides that I could perceive none -- grain of salt advised, as that was possibly hidden from me because my computation in Ruby was orders of magnitude more complex/time consuming than what was going on on the Python interpreter.

Definitely ping Murata-san either on GitHub https://github.com/mrkn/pycall.rb/ or Twitter `@mrkn`, I will send him a link to this thread so he can contribute if he feels like it. Personally, I am a fan of his work and elegant approach, I owe him for enabling me to keep working in Ruby while everybody publishes code in Python :)

Sounds great - I also prefer Ruby very strongly, and have tended to avoid Python code because I didn't expect to have an easy way of wrapping it, but will definitively have to play with Pycall.

As someone mentioned in a comment section elsewhere, "It is very easy to sacrifice another person's job."

Who gets to decide whats "socially/morally net positive"? Every company thinks they're "socially/morally net positive", which at best happens by accident. If you want to help people, join a non-profit, don't buy into some company's PR. Companies chase money, thats the point of a company.

What he said was correct, its more a comment on the fundamental relationships than a prediction. The only thing that is priced in is the expectation of what is going to happen. No one knew for sure what the FED would do or when.

If you are going to "debias" your model, what is the point of even training the model to handle these issues in the first place? Not surprisingly, human language can be biased. If you train a model on human language it will not magically transcend those biases. The problem is that people have this expectation that ML is going to lead to these perfect decision makers.

Machine Learning creates models that reflect the data, not the truth.

I remember a story a professor once told me about something similar to this. He once knew of a research team that was trying to develop an algorithm to tell the difference between pictures of American and Russian tanks. They were able to achieve a very high success rate very quickly. Excited but skeptical, they decided to keep testing the algorithm on lower and lower resolution photos. Shockingly, they were still getting close to 100% identification on images of sizes around 10 by 10.

Turns out, all the pictures of Russian tanks were taken in the winter, while all the american ones were taken in the summer. All they had done was trained a model to classify how bright the picture was.

Yeah, this urban legend always gets trotted out to criticize neural networks, but after years of looking, I've never been able to confirm it, and even when Minsky tells it, he can't name any names or concrete details about when or where - for example, in Minsky's version, it was how the photographs were developed, but in yours, it's winter/summer, and in other versions, it's night vs day, or it was forest vs grass: http://lesswrong.com/lw/td/magical_categories/4v4a http://lesswrong.com/lw/lvh/examples_of_ais_behaving_badly/c...

And last week I heard that story but the difference was that the images of the NATO tanks were in perfect focus while the Soviet tanks were out of focus in the training images. Clearly this story is all over the place. I wonder if even the likely source is correct. https://www.webofstories.com/play/marvin.minsky/122

I definitely think thats a more realistic example of the things that might happen. It won't be the shady guy on the street corner, it'll be your boss asking you to do just one little thing.

While working in billing IT at a CLEC, I was asked to produce a phone bill for the CEO, with a printed physical address that didn't correspond to where he actually lived. I assumed (and still do) that it had something to do with a school district scam: he wanted his kids to attend a good school, without paying extra tuition. It was easy enough to do, and I don't feel there's much about the funding of USA public education that's worth defending anyway, but I can see how it could possibly have led to a series of increasingly immoral/illegal escalations.

Breaking News: Algortihm designed to learn how humans use words learns how humans use words


Not only from a socioeconomic point of view, but I would guess that having parents who are involved enough in a child's life to pay for, drive to, and participate in these types of activities is more likely to be a source of a "mental health boost"

This is what I was going to say - suspect this stems from having parents or guardians who cared enough to get you involved in such an activity, and the environment that suggests, rather than scouting directly.

There's a lot to be said for going for a 3-day hike in the wilderness, even if you're accompanied by a parent.

Going with a scout group usually means that you wont be relying on the parent as you want to stay as a member of the group of people your own age.

You'll start to feel tired and sore at some stage, and it may start to rain. But if you've prepared properly (and the scout motto is "be prepared"), then you should be ok.

It's just a matter of getting away from it all, and perhaps embracing the suck as mentioned above.

It's true - but I scouted for years and still turned out neurotic and anxious - but I had dismissive parents who I only spent a few months or so with throughout my childhood.

This is probably true, and why Oregon just passed Outdoor School for All [0]. It's not exactly the same as scouts and guides but it is a guaranteed week-long outdoor education to every student in Oregon.

[0] http://www.outdoorschoolforall.org/

I just changed my caps lock key to escape. Life changing, highly recommend

I remap caps lock to ctrl and in Vim I use "jk" for esc in insert mode. Caps lock to ctrl is crazy useful outside of Vim since every other application has some basic support for Emacs bindings.

Another popular remap is a Karabiner option that enters Esc when Ctrl is tapped, and Ctrl when when used with another key. Rebind the Caps Lock key to Ctrl in System Preferences and you're in business.

xcape in Linux for this.

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