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I think the focus of the poll is not to determine public attitude/opinion towards the substance, but to simply get a count of HN visitors who either do or do not consume it.

Right, but the two "No" options don't leave room for having a positive outcome and still not being an active user. What about, "No, because my current job or state's laws or inability to access marijuana prevent me from using it." Or, "No, but I would if I could."

In a way it's funny, either you hate it or you still use it on a regular basis.

"quotations used liberally in comments"

Those were all copied from the poll.

This is the same approach I use. I set the expectation that my cellphone is NOT for you to reach me 24/7. You can sure try but I reserve the right to not answer for any reason. My phone is normally on vibrate or airplane mode.

Tobacco companies have no problems with marijuana - that's a new product line for them! They already have the machinery in place to roll cigarettes, so it's probably easy enough to change the substance inside of it.

I'm fairly sure the government knows where we all truly live.

Given how often I've had the government send things to the wrong address for me, I am fairly sure that they don't know where I truly live (most of the time), even when I gave them the address.

Unlikely. I know of a lot of people who live in New Jersey but register their auto in another state under a relative's address for cheaper insurance. I also know people who use an old address or the address of an acquaintance/relative so their child can attend a different school district.

That just implies that communication in government is poor, particularly if it is a local or state government that wants to know something from the federal government. I am sure the IRS would have no problem finding those people if they were so inclined.

I became a South Dakota resident in January (while I was in CA.). Despite only having spent a week in the state last summer. I haven't been back since then.

UPDATE 3:45pm CT: Kirjner wrote us to say that he had "picked up a typo in our write-up. The $11 billion is not annual but total. I corrected it in our files. Please do so too if you can." In other words, rather than Google spending $11 billion annually, the analysts estimate this is what Google would spend over five years

Could a mod correct the title which is currently misleading.

From SendGrid's Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SendGrid/posts/10151502570463967

Effective immediately, SendGrid has terminated the employment of Adria Richards. While we generally are sensitive and confidential with respect to employee matters, the situation has taken on a public nature. We have taken action that we believe is in the overall best interests of SendGrid, its employees, and our customers. As we continue to process the vast amount of information, we will post something more comprehensive.

By verbal I meant spoken, in person or over the telephone. there was some confusion earlier about the authenticity of the FB posting.

I'm 23 and I just finished reading this book. I even passed it on to a friend.

I'd love to see a cultural movement towards anti-urban, anti-density enabled by technology. You're not alone :)

In my view we would use technology to empower people to form stronger community bonds. The author mentions food industry tech, and that's a major part of my vision also. I think we need to move towards a locally grown seasonal food source instead of shipping food to all corners of the globe just because we can. That's just one piece to the puzzle though, there's obviously a lot more planning that would need to go into it.

Though I would expect that from "militiaman21" ;-)

However, the local food movement needs to talk more about yield. It doesn't appear that humanity can sustain itself this way - small communities perhaps, but it's a first world luxury.

Also, "food miles" is a BS metric, the biggest energy sink is fertilizer (by far!). Ammonium Nitrate is made by fossil fuel + air - you are mostly eating energy from natural gas, not the sun, it would seem.

Don't the fancy arduino hydroponic setups have pretty exciting yield?

Admittedly, it's too expensive to set up to be used commercially for anything except... well, high-margin cash crops, let us say. But those costs should go down.

You sound very pretentious. How can you claim to have the ultimate end-all definition of "shit that isn't there"? The mere fact that we are humans with extremely limited sensory perception should be enough to prove that "open your eyes" is not a good enough method to defining reality.

I mean relax dude... that's just like... your... opinion, or whatever dude. :)

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