Sadly, it is somewhat disappointing how this situation was handled. It is understandable that Techcrunch is attempting to cover their own ass in terms of journalistic integrity but the fact that the individual at hand was a minor complicates the situation. When Arrington writes in "An Apology To Our Readers", anyone who is even remotely familiar with Techcrunch can deduce who screwed up from the information provided.
Yes, Daniel made a lapse in judgement, but being a minor (and clearly are hard and dedicated worker) he should have at least been given the opportunity to let this go down silently. When a minor gets into some trouble before they are 18, typically their record is wiped clean as they enter adulthood. Sadly, this is a permanent public record and could prevent him from getting hired or having a career in journalism again (whether thats deserved or not is up in the air).
As an intern, should he have been given so much responsibilty? Who knows really, it just kind of feels like they took advantage of Daniel and threw him to the wayside when he first faultered. Clearly that much spotlight and attention for someone that young might have been too much (at least without some protectionary measures). Losing his intern position and having to deal with that personally and with his family should have been punishment enough. If he wanted to make that a public issue, he should have at least gotten the choice. Instead he was forced publicly to disclose what happened to the world and might have to live with that small error in judgement his whole life. Ahah, it's almost the internets version of the story of original sin. I guess the temptation was to great for someone so young and naive and now hes been branded a bad seed.
I don't really see how being young is an excuse. Wrong is wrong, and he was old enough to know it. And Arrington did try to shield him (to a very limited extent); what would you have him do, keep someone on staff who has been proven to be corrupt?
There is a difference between knowing what is wrong because you've heard it and internalizing it. This is one reason why younger employees are usually given limited responsibilities. I'm not trying to excuse his behavior, but are high school interns usually given a blog on a major publication and free reign to write whatever they want? Seems like a bad idea...
Yes, one could make the point that his boss (i.e. Arrington) should have prevented this from happening, and I'd have to agree.
I must admit to having no better argument (although I wouldn't have done such things!), but note that "not having internalized wrong" is not meaningfully different from the "too young" argument I first disagreed with.
Unless you want to suggest that it's a failure of education?
I would tend to agree but one piece of information is still missing. Was the policy of TC relative to "compensations" made very clear to Daniel when he started ? If it was, then Daniel has no excuse since he transgressed clearly stated rules. If the rules were only implicit and assumed to be known and followed by authors then Daniel may be excused by his age since his education is not yet complete and he still needs time to mature.
The knowledge of good and bad builds up and refines itself with age through experiences. Note that a lot of adults are still confused about this limit in some domains like for instance exchanging and using unpayed copies of films and musics.
The integrity and reputation of TC is in play here so the prompt and radical reaction was legitimate. The communication was also a good move to make clear that such behavior is not in line with TC ethics.
Whether the collaboration with Daniel should have been terminated or not depends on his responsibility.
Turning public about this incident is a clear error of Daniel which may be another demonstration of his inexperience or bad advice given to him. This new error would have remained unnoticed if TC didn't advertise it.
My impression is that TC behaves with Daniel as if he was an adult, which he clearly isn't. This makes it much more difficult for Daniel to learn from his errors because the back burn is quite devastating and probably excessive.
I hope Daniel manage to learn the lessons, and I hope TC used this opportunity to learn some lessons too.
So in conclusion it is still not clear if Daniel is the only one to blame here. However the aim shouldn't be to know who to blame, but to make sure that everyone managed to learn what has to be learned and correct his behavior in consequence.
You are right, but does the act qualify as bribe ?
In my opinion, it would be a bribe if the compensation was presented as a condition to write and publish the article. Otherwise it may be interpreted as a tip which is then not so obviously bad because it is a common practice.
The problem with tips, especially in the US, as far as I know, is that it is kind of perverted. It should be a free gift expressing gratitude and recognition, but it is often considered by the receiver as a due and even the amount is often codified and considered an implicit agreement. This is so strong that not giving a tip is socially considered bad.
In France and most European countries tips are thankfully not considered as a due and requesting a tip is even considered rude, especially if the amount is specified.
So what if the author (US) interpreted his compensation requests as a tip ? It could have been considered as normal from his perspective since it is so common.
The information that would help clarifying our mind on this is if the author has put the compensation as a condition to write the article or not. As long as we don't know this, making any judgment in one way or the other is just poor judgment, that's all I tried to explain in my previous answer. From this perspective the down vote is a bit disappointing.
Perhaps that's because bribes, beyond Tips to waiters & taxi drivers, are not very prevalent in American society. What if you'd grown up in India, China, or Indonesia where small bribes to you your job are a fact of every day life. Would you ever learn that they're "wrong" if they're culturally accepted?
I understand what you're getting at, but he lives in the US, and as far as I know grew up here. It'd be nice to learn more about exactly what happened before making judgement, but if he really demanded an unsolicited bribe I don't think his age really excuses it.
Journalistic integrity? Are we talking about the same "publication"? The one that published stolen emails from Twitter after attempting to extort free advertising out of them?