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Unfortunately, I've been close to a couple of companies where the founders, while they did have the original drive to create the company, have no idea how to manage a business. These are companies founded by 23 year old kids with no management experience or really anything other than some college - like many tech startups. The company cultures have needed up poisonous, the companies have no structure. Customer service and general organization is abysmal and it's visible from the outside. So, not all founders should be CEOs.

Strange, I pictured Comic Sans more as an out of touch, 53 year old woman who enjoys knitting and is a bit spacey than an angry, egotistical, abusive frat kid, or whatever this is supposed to portray. The author has entirely failed to capture the essence of Comic Sans.

Unexpected juxtapositions are often the basis for humor. And Comic Sans is from the mid 90's, so it isn't an old biddy yet. It is young, and it goes places/does things that others think it shouldn't. So, rebellious teen fits.

You forgot the 17 stray cats roaming around the house!

'lines of LOC' sounds to me like a phrase meaning 'lines and lines of frivolous code of which the only value is incrementing the LOC count'.

The text is set to 22px, then that style is overwritten with '100%', meaning 22px. This is huge by desktop standards. 3% of people will be reading your words with an iPad. A much more common font size would be about 16px.

I find it difficult to use for storing arbitrary information, personally.

A colleague of mine has a daughter who went into full-blown puberty at the age of 7. Bodily changes, emotional lability - everything that usually happens at 13. The doctors recommended they cut out the use of plastics and household cleaners... so, off to read the article.

I think he means duplicate keys, as in '?id=4&color=8&id=6'

I was seeking to avoid the same thing recently. Instead of adding more JavaScript, I decided to use PHP. While we're using Rails, it's very inefficient to fire up the whole engine to do something as simple as outputting a script with a few interpolated variables. A simple PHP script can put out 2-3 times as many requests per second as Rails/Django for a task like that.

Rack Metal was pretty much made for that. I wouldn't use either until I had evidence that it was a bottleneck, but if you do, then it would let you do a few simple requests quickly without needing to swap stacks. (I run PHP and Rails concurrently for one application, but only because I had to be able to get Wordpress working.)

Microsoft intentionally made Netscape (more) unstable and slower, if I recall. is there any reason to think they wouldn't respond to Firefox's growing popularity is to intentionally make it perform poorly? I'm very, very suspicious of Microsoft interacting with Firefox in any way whatsoever. No doubt they'd like to exert control over it in some way.

I don't think you can 'accidentally' install a toolbar in Firefox.

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