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"If we're going to meet at noon, the sun should be straight over head, damnit." Absolutely.

This looks amazing!

Pleorma is easier to install and less resource-hungry, so the bar for setting up an instance is lower.

An instance of Lemmy is free to federate (or not) with other instances on the Fediverse. Each instance can have its own code of conduct. Seems good for everyone.

Sounds similar to WinLink forms on ham radio, used to make sending structured data easier: https://www.winlink.org/WinlinkExpressForms

Please don't joke about suicide.

What makes you think I'm joking?

Please try to read comments in good faith.

Reading the GP in good faith makes it obvious that you should substitute: don't talk lightly about suicide.

Also, it's an indication that you may need help. In that case, try calling a suicide help line.

I'm talking about how I genuinely feel, I don't need to censor it. Not talking about these issues is the problem.

I'm perfectly fine as long as I don't do things that make me extremely unhappy. I think that's true for most people. But thanks for your concern.

I understand the benefit of being talked out of ending a bad week early, but fundamentally we as a society do not care about suicide or people's lives as much as we pretend to, and to me this is very sad.

I wish more could be done.

That's absolutely true but I'd widen it to people with mental illness generally.

I understand your pain. Even simple things like moving posts from one channel to another aren't possible for an admin to do in Slack, although this has been basic forum functionality since...ever?

What do you see as the "huge tech cost and barrier of entry of mastodon"?

When Gratipay existed, they didn't take a cut (financial transaction fees were covered by donor or recipient). They survived on dogfooding[1]. Liberapay operates the same way.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_your_own_dog_food

It also includes the ability to sponsor through Liberapay, the remaining Gratipay fork.

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