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Yes! I had the exact same reaction to this story. The way I interpreted the story is that the design of the Versa may actually have contributed to his wife's safety. It's possible the car was designed to crumple in such a way to distribute the weight of the collision. Ironically getting a Crown Victoria may decrease the overall safety.

There's not much zone to crumple in a side impact. On the sides, all effort is invested in keeping the rigid zone rigid and cushioning the resulting acceleration with airbags, as good as space inside the rigid zone is permitting.

I would argue that a Nissan Leaf would be overall safer than a Crown Victoria.

First of all, the 2nd generation (2018/2019) Nissan Leaf seems to have a comparable weight as the Crown Victoria. From the data I've been looking at online, it's around 25% less weight than the CV, but definitely more than a Versa. Also, this weight is likely better distributed throughout the car instead of being concentrated in one place.

Another factor to consider is that the CV is an older vehicle (did they stop making them in 2012?), and in general newer cars are safer due to strong materials and safety features/design.

Also, the likelihood of a fire during an accident is greatly reduced (although still non-zero, as demonstrated by Tesla).

Yet he said the crown vic has "reinforced doors due to being a former detective's car." Also, are fires really that much of a worry when you get in an accident? I have seen very little of that happening... More likely probably that your alternator causes a fire.

According to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24073770 (fire-related auto deaths in Sweden), this is a problem. Around 5% of auto-related deaths in Sweden involved burning cars, and around 1/3 of these deaths fire was the cause of death. Definitely not the main cause of death, it is a factor that has to be considered when looking at overall safety.

Diet coke has phosphoric acid which causes erosion of the enamel.

It's not the phosphoric acid, its the carbonation. Plain old carbonated water is acidic as well which can erode the teeth. That being said your saliva can repair the teeth. The current wisdom is don't drink solely acidic drinks and wait between acidic food/drink and teeth brushing.

Or chew gum with xylitol (It's actually natural birch sugar) that will heighten the PH level and kill germs.

"There are three gates leading to this hell — lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul." - Bhagavad Gita

There's a great movie about happiness on Netflix that I'd recommend: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1613092/

Ironically, some of the happiest people are the poorest. Wealth is a weak indicator of happiness.

I have lived with these people though. I have been there. It is awesome. It makes me really happy. I don't know why I want more. I think it has to do with my parent's narcissism.

They expect the world of me, and I intent to bring it.

Go's been around for four years, so it's not that new :)

I am old - still remember GW basic, turbo pascal, visual basic, tcl, expect.

go hopefully can last as long as some of those languages - but with the speed google is canceling projects......

They are replacing their current infrastructure with it, so I don't see it going anywhere.

Go doesn't belong to Google.

Wow, I didn't expect this to make the top of Hacker News :)

Web.go is a wrapper on top of Go's net/http standard library. The authors of Go aren't from a web programming background, and the net/http server interfaces was a bit more clunky than I'd like, which is the main reason web.go exists. It's not really designed to be a full-fledged web framework.

I used it to build a few apps. There's an old article about one of them here (although the app has since been taken down):


I don't program Go day-to-day any more (Meraki uses Rails and Scala), but it's still my language of choice for personal stuff.

Yes, it was definitely inspired by web.py (tornado, actually). I loved tornado but didn't like the fact that there were no asynchronous libraries for it.

Web.go was around a long time before pat. You're right, though, they're very similar to each other.

web.go was started a couple months after Go launched, and the web server back then was much more primitive than it is now.

It's meant to be a nicer interface on top of the net/http server. In reality it's very difficult an ambitious web framework (like Rails) in Go.

Doesn't Ruby have a limit of 1024 open file descriptors? If some method in Ruby's standard library calls 'select' internally, with the 1024 limit, what happens?

it will segfault. that's why EventMachine using epoll on linuxes and kqueue on bsd

I/O is handled through EventMachine, not the normal Ruby I/O calls, and can therefore scale arbitrarily.

It is a little worrying that if some (perhaps inexperienced) developer arbitrarily calls a method that invokes Ruby's select, the process will crash mysteriously.

It won't crash. On many platforms, Ruby uses special select() hacks to extend the number of file descriptors select() can handle. On OS X it can apparently handle 10556 file descriptors. If you go over that, Ruby apparently simulates an EMFILES error.

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