I looked at the issues for the github project, and it's a cesspool of "doesn't work". I can't imagine being the maintainer and having to wade through that.
Care to elaborate on both counts? I’ve been using it for years and have had no auth issues in my use case at least. I mainly use it inside lan only though I do have a firewalled instance for a couple public services I host, but I haven’t heard of any security issues, I sort of assumed it had a similar attack surface as regular Nginx as that’s basically all it is.
I was a backer of the V2 and I think my order is now a year overdue. I don't really back things on kickstarter because I don't like to gamble, but this seemed like a sure bet. Turns out it wasn't.
I got mine (and it randomly died so they sent me a second one). You still haven't received your first one? That sucks, they're generally very good devices (minus them randomly dying, I guess).
I have not forgotten, but Gates and Ballmer are gone and the market situation for MS is totally different. People don't have to take their Evil Empire monopolist crap of the past.
That doesn't stop them from trying though, and there are plenty of examples from recent times that prove that the difference between the old MS and the new MS are much smaller than their PR department would like you to believe.
The biggest difference is that the new MS is no longer selling you software but access to software.
> People don't have to take their Evil Empire monopolist crap of the past.
Advertising in the Start Menu enters the room
Often enough, it feels as if there are two brains inside Microsoft - shiny new MS with Azure, WSL, VSCode on the one side, and old, schoolyard bully MS with advertising, telemetry, forcing cloud everywhere on the other side.
Several people mentioned Magento already. For your project, I'd stongly add suggest you should ignore that. While Magento has loads of features build it, it also misses some, I'd consider important. You can not create a custom invoice template out of the box for example.
If you are a somewhat experienced developer, Sylius might give you a good experience and code quality. We build a shop on an earlier version, and it runs solid - not a single downtime in years.
And talking about downtime, see that you get a solid webhost. A clients shop had ~1h downtime a day (!) that nobody could explain. Same setup on a new host runs for a couple of weeks now without issues.