No, It's true, most my fiends who used to install pirated application (.sis file) from internet got affected by these viruses and at that time most popular antivirus companies (McAfee, Kaspersky, f-secure) had Symbian versions of their antivirus programs.
Note that these are not computer virii by the definition, as they cannot spread independently. User always need to download the application somewhere and install it themself. The closest analogue would be Remote Access Trojan (RAT) infected Windows PC pirated software.
"Unfortunately, your call is unable to go through right now. Please try again later."
We are facing this error for the last few weeks, in case if a member drops off the call due to internet issues he/she can't join back until ~15 to 20 mins. We all are pissed off because of this horrible issue and planning to use something else for our stand-up call
I bought a cheap windows phone for my mother four years back, even after 4 years, it works like the day I bought it (fast, no heating issues..), The big fonts and tile interface makes it easy for her to use it without her glasses.
The company I applied for last week did similar thing for a devops position - They asked me to deploy an open source web application which is less popular and almost 0 documentation available on internet.