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Yes, the JavaScript implementation doesn't works if the second array contains 'false', 'null', 'undefined', '0' or 'NaN'.

Here is my implementation of the 'zip' function in modern JavaScript. It is similar to the Vlang version, but it is generic over the number of arrays :

  const zip = (...arrays) => {
    const length = Math.min(...arrays.map((array) => array.length));
    return Array.from({ length }, (_, i) => arrays.map((array) => array[i]));

> The answer was "nothing really" - it worked out of the box for the main functionality.

Do you mean Chrome supports Promises like Firefox does? Last time I checked, the Chrome APIs were using callbacks for all asynchronous operations.

There is a polyfill written by mozilla devs that port the browser namespace and promise based api calls over to chrome if needed.



What is "french style parenting" ?

Presumably something along the lines of what is outlined in this book: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/809937327

And this one http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/738336560 - which I've read, and it seemed to make some sort of sense at the time.

"à la baguette"

> I suspect that it would take me many months or perhaps even years of immersion and full-time speaking and thinking in French to get to the point of being able to construct most sentences in "natural French" structure on the first try.

If you have difficulty learning French, I suggest learning another language with a similar "structure", such as Esperanto.

I'm a French native speaker, and I'm currently learning Esperanto. I find the two languages very similar in their way of constructing sentences, but the later one if a lot easier to learn: conjugation and agreement, in particular, are much simpler, and the absence of suppletion (a verb and its derivative always share the same root) helps greatly for memorizing the vocabulary.

They already started to write some code: https://github.com/carlhuda/cargo

In the case of Skype, your right: Skype can probably change their protocols and ruin the work of the reverse enginners. But this would have a price: Skype users would have to install the last version of the client to be able to communicate with their contacts. If Microsoft started to modify the Skype protocol each week, the users would probably get tired of updating their client weekly and they would use another software.

For others proprietary softwares, breaking the compatibility with old versions is hardly conceivable: If Photoshop or AutoCAD where suddenly unable to use read and write the terabytes of data created by their users, those users would probably throw their PC through the window and never buy again a proprietary software...

I don't understand the advantage of using handwritten function instead of the shell builtins. The `mark` function could be replaced by `alias -g`, `jump` could be replaced by `cd` and `unmark` could be replaced by `unalias` :

    % cd ~/Dev/W3/m-r-r.github.io
    % alias -g :blog="$PWD"
    % jekyll build -d /tmp/out/ && cd /tmp/out
    % ./index.html
    % cd :blog
    % pwd
    % alias -g
In addition, this method works with any shell command:

    % pwd
    % make -C :blog publish
    % git clone git://git.complang.org/ragel.git `echo :c`/ragel
    % vim `echo :vim`/templates/\*.rl
On the other side, the aliases are not saved at exit unless you write a function to do it:

    % tail -n 15 ~/.zshrc
    function aliases {
            alias -L -r
            alias -L -g
            alias -L -s
        ) | uniq

    function save-aliases {
        aliases > ~/.zsh_aliases

    if [ -f ~/.zsh_aliases ]; then 
        . ~/.zsh_aliases

> Edit 2: Another thing, regarding the 1.25 to 1.45 line-height he recommends. I feel like it's a lawyer's thing. Anything smaller than 1.5 looks very clamped, and most times people use 1.5 to 1.75.

It depends of the font and the font size: sometimes, 1.3 is too much.

Wow. This game is really addictive.

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